elater 1 |
An elongate cell with a helical, hygroscopic thickening in its wall, contained within a sporangium, expanding and contracting with changes in humidity and aiding dispersal of the spores; esp. in Hepaticae. |
extrorse |
dehiscence |
anther |
Opening outwardly, on the abaxial side. See also introrse, latrorse. |
continuous 3 |
architecture |
rachilla, rachis |
Not disarticulating at maturity. |
erect |
orientation |
Perpendicular to the horizon or to the general plane of a bearing structure. |
adenopetalous 1 |
architecture |
flower, perianth, corolla |
Having petals produced from glandular structures. |
flaccid |
texture |
Limp, sometimes appearing withered or shrunken. See also tumid (swollen, turgid). |
perulate |
architecture |
bud |
Having outer scales that enclose and protect the embryonic components, from which they differ significantly in texture, shape, size, relief and/or vestiture. See also naked. |
fibrous |
texture |
Having tough, woody or sclerotic strands distributed through a softer matrix. |
…porate |
architecture |
pollen grain |
Having the number of pores indicated by the prefix; as in monoporate, polyporate, triporate. |
vascular bundle |
A discrete strand of conducting tissues (xylem, phloem) and associated cells (e.g., cambium) within a stem or other axial structure. |
racemose |
architecture |
inflorescence |
Comprising one or more racemes. |
decussate |
arrangement |
Opposite with successive pairs radially oriented at right angles to one another, thus polystichous with four equidistant ranks. |
gynandrous |
architecture |
flower |
Having the androecium adnate to the gynoecium. |
runcinate |
plane shape |
Basically obovate with a series of retrorse, acute lobes on either side, these diminishing in size toward the base. |
root 1 |
Collectively, all those portions of a plant body that are anatomically distinct from the shoot, the component axes not differentiated into nodes and internodes, and branching endogenously. |
channel |
A longitudinal, transversely rounded depression; esp. along the adaxial surface of a petiole or petiolule. |
intruded |
placentation |
Upon partial septa excrescent from the wall of a compound, unilocular ovary. |
infrafoliar |
insertion |
Upon the stem directly below a leaf insertion. |
laminar 2 |
solid shape |
Relatively very thin with parallel opposite broad faces, the whole plane or variously curved. Structures to which this term, along with any other three-dimensional ones, is applicable are often also described as though only two-dimensional, using terms that are implicitly understood to refer only to the outline of the broad faces. |
amphimictic |
reproduction |
taxon, plant |
Reproducing sexually. |
limb 1 |
A relatively broad portion of a syntepalous (gamotepalous) perianth, synsepalous (gamosepalous) calyx, or sympetalous (gamopetalous) corolla distal to a narrower tube, spreading outward or ascending from the tube, comprising the distinct or connate distal portions of the tepals, sepals, or petals; except in bisexual or staminate disc florets of Asteraceae (Compositae). |
apiculate |
apex |
Terminating abruptly in a short, slender, angular tip that is not notably harder or stiffer than the main body of the structure. See also mucronate, mucronulate. |
legume |
nominative |
fruit |
Dry, septicidal, one-loculed and derived from a single, superior, simple ovary; dehiscing along two sutures, one abaxial, one adaxial; in Fabaceae (Leguminosae). See also loment. |
anisosepalous |
architecture |
flower, perianth, calyx |
Having sepals unequal in size and/or shape. |
marcescent |
duration |
structure |
Persistent in a distinctly withered condition. |