net-like |
= anastomosing, netted, reticulate |
architecture |
tertiary and higher-order laminar veins, excl veinlets |
Interconnecting more or less regularly. |
gamosepalous |
= synsepalous |
architecture |
flower, perianth, calyx |
Having two or more sepals that are partially or wholly connate. |
basiramous |
architecture |
axis |
Branching at or near the base. See also basicauliramous. |
cyathiate |
architecture |
inflorescence |
Comprising one or more cyathia. |
anthelate |
architecture |
inflorescence |
Comprising one or more anthelae; esp. in Juncaceae. |
stalked 2 |
= pedunculate |
architecture |
inflorescence |
Having a peduncle. |
umbellate |
architecture |
inflorescence |
Comprising one or more umbels. |
semistalked |
= subsessile |
architecture |
structure |
Almost stalkless; having a very short, somewhat indistinct stalk. |
articulate(d) |
= jointed |
architecture |
Elongate with one or more distinct, relatively narrow zones of demarcation between adjacent main portions of the whole, these articulations (joints) often thicker and sometimes sites of eventual abscission. |
sympodial |
architecture |
axes |
Branching laterally, each axis of each apparent order of branches comprising a series of laterally derived segments each of which functioned in turn as the distal leader, the apical meristem of each segment dominant until supplanted by that of the next. See also monopodial. |
obdiplostemonous |
architecture |
flower, androecium |
Having the stamens dicyclic, the proximal whorl with members directly above the petals, the distal whorl with members directly above the sepals. See also diplostemonous. |
dendritic |
= tree-like |
architecture |
Like the branched axial structure of a tree. |
paniculate |
architecture |
inflorescence |
Comprising one or more panicles. |
netted 1 |
= anastomosing, net-like, reticulate |
architecture |
tertiary and higher-order laminar veins, excl veinlets |
Interconnecting more or less regularly. |
gamotepalous |
= syntepalous |
architecture |
flower, perianth |
Having two or more tepals that are partially or wholly connate. |
stalked 3 |
= petiolate |
architecture |
leaf |
Having a petiole. |
macrophyllous (not recommended) |
= megaphyllous |
architecture |
plant |
Bearing megaphylls. |
subsessile |
= semistalked |
architecture |
structure |
Almost sessile; having a very short, somewhat indistinct stalk. |
cross-shaped 1 |
= cruciate |
architecture |
corolla, perianth |
Having four petals or tepals disposed in pairs of opposite members, the whole resembling a cross when viewed from above. |
exstipitate |
= sessile, stalkless, unstalked |
architecture |
structure |
Lacking a stalk, thus inserted ("sitting") directly upon the bearing structure. |
anastomosing |
= net-like, netted, reticulate |
architecture |
tertiary and higher-order laminar veins, excl. veinlets |
Interconnecting more or less regularly. |
didynamous |
architecture |
flower, androecium |
Diadelphous with two stamens in each set. See also tetradynamous. |
synandrous |
architecture |
flower, androecium |
Having the stamens connate. |
heteromorphic |
> heteroblastic, heterocephalous, heterocladic, heterophyllous, heterostylous |
architecture |
Occurring in two or more distinctly different forms within the taxon in point, at either the same or different times, in either the same or different plants. |
flabelliramous |
= polytomous |
architecture |
axis |
Branching by division of the apical meristem to produce more than three equal derivatives. |