cup-shaped |
= calyciform, cupulate |
solid shape |
Truncate-globose with the distal margin more or less entire; like the bowl of a cup. |
grumous |
solid shape |
Having an external aspect like a cluster of grains, basically convex overall. |
ampulliform |
= flask-shaped, lageniform |
solid shape |
Generally circular in cross-section, broadest at or below the middle, approximately globose below that and constricted above to a relatively narrow neck; like a flask. |
umbonate |
= bossed |
solid shape |
Having an umbo. |
terete |
solid shape |
Elongate and transversely round, gradually attenuate from base to apex; attenuate-cylindric or attenuate-tubular, broadest at the base. See also obterete. |
mitriform |
= mitre-shaped |
solid shape |
Broadest and transversely round to oval proximally, tapering bilaterally above the middle to a central peak; like a peaked hat or cap. |
spheroid(al) |
= globose, globular, orbicular, rotund, spheric(al) |
solid shape |
Uniformly convex, circular in any median section and in outline when viewed from any angle; like a sphere or globe. |
cupulate |
= calyciform, cup-shaped |
solid shape |
Truncate-globose with the distal margin more or less entire; like the bowl of a cup. |
breast-shaped |
= mammiform |
solid shape |
Rounded conic, like the breast of a mammal. |
oblate |
solid shape |
Symmetrically elongate and broader than long perpendicular to the developmental or polar axis. |
bell-shaped |
= campanulate |
solid shape |
Circular in cross-section, inflated proximally, thence broadening gradually to a flared distal portion. |
birettaform |
solid shape |
Approximately square in cross section and shallowly convex at the top; like a biretta (Roman Catholic cleric's hat). |
infundibular |
= funnelform, funnel-shaped |
solid shape |
perianth, calyx, corolla |
Having a narrowly obconic tube and a spreading limb, the transition between them smooth. |
headed 2 |
= capitate |
solid shape |
Abruptly enlarged distally to a relatively short, terminal portion that is basically round in transverse section. |
capillary |
= capillate, hair-like |
solid shape |
Finely filiform; like a hair. |
ovoid |
= egg-shaped |
solid shape |
Transversely circular, broadest near a bluntly rounded base, and convexly attenuate to a narrower rounded apex; like a fowl egg. See also obovoid. |
umbraculiform |
= umbrella-shaped |
solid shape |
Having a slender, elongate proximal axis and a very broad, meniscoid distal portion, the latter oriented with its convex face distal; like an umbrella. |
tuberculose 2 |
= tubercular |
solid shape |
Comprising small knot-like segments. |
pear-shaped |
= pyriform |
solid shape |
Basically circular in transverse section, broadest toward one end, attenuate toward and much narrower at the other, both ends rounded; slenderly turbinate or obturbinate; like a pear. |
acicular 2 |
= acerose, needle-shaped |
solid shape |
Rounded in cross-section and very slenderly elongate, broadest near the middle, and gradually attenuate to an acute apex and a slightly blunter base; like a needle. |
planoconcave |
solid shape |
Relatively thin with opposite broad faces, one plane and one concave. |
bellied |
= ventricose |
solid shape |
Bulging unilaterally near the middle, as though with a belly. |
worm-shaped |
= vermiculate |
solid shape |
Basically cylindric, elongate, and slender with bluntly rounded ends, variously curved over its length. |
capillate |
= capillary, hair-like |
solid shape |
Finely filiform; like a hair. |
epipterous |
solid shape |
Alate with a single terminal wing. |