glaucous |
< ceraceous, cereous, pruinose, waxen, waxy |
coating |
Whitish pruinose; covered with a thin, opaque, whitish deposit (bloom) of macroscopically indistinguishable waxy particles that rubs off easily. See also caesious, glaucescent. |
mucous 1 |
= mucilaginous; < glutinous |
coating |
Of a slimy substance, or becoming so upon wetting. |
ceraceous 1 |
= cereous, waxen, waxy; > caesious, glaucescent, glaucous, pruinose |
coating |
Covered with wax or a wax-like substance. |
lineolate 1 |
coloration |
Finely lineate, the lines short and often irregularly oriented. |
dotted 1 |
= punctate |
coloration |
Having small, round, clear or colored spots that contrast with the ground color. See also small-dotted (puncticulate). |
striate 1 |
= streaked |
coloration |
Having an overall pattern of fine, more or less parallel, lines of contrasting hue and/or intensity. |
netted 2 |
= reticulate |
coloration |
Having a pattern of interconnected fine lines of contrasting hue and/or intensity. |
banded |
coloration |
Broadly striped; having one or more elongate, relatively broad and, when multiple, more or less parallel, areas of contrasting hue and/or intensity. |
iridescent |
coloration |
Reflecting a pattern colors from throughout the visible spectrum, the pattern changing with the angle of view. |
reticulate 2 |
= netted |
coloration |
Having a pattern of interconnected fine lines of contrasting hue and/or intensity. |
discolor(ous) |
> bicolor(ous) |
coloration |
Having surfaces of different colors; esp. leaves with differently colored adaxial and abaxial surfaces. |
small-dotted |
= puncticulate |
coloration |
Finely dotted (punctate). |
hyaline |
= pellucid; > translucent, transparent |
coloration |
Transmitting light uniformly. |
striped |
coloration |
Having one or more elongate, relatively narrow and, when multiple, more or less parallel, areas of contrasting hue and/or intensity. |
maculate |
= blotched, spotted |
coloration |
Having one or more areas that differ in color from the rest of the surface. See also eyespotted. |
eyespotted |
= ocellate |
coloration |
Having a more or less circular area that differes in hue and/or intensity from the remainder of the structure; esp. a corolla with such an area at its center. |
spotted |
= blotched, maculate |
coloration |
Having one or more areas that differ in color from the rest of the surface. See also eyespotted. |
tessellate 1 |
= checkered |
coloration |
Having a pattern of more or less regularly disposed square zones of contrasting hues and/or intensities. |
zoned |
coloration |
Having two or more fairly distinctly delineated areas of contrasting hues and/or intensities. |
pellucid |
= hyaline; > translucent, transparent |
coloration |
Transmitting light uniformly. |
punctate 1 |
= dotted |
coloration |
Having small, round, clear or colored spots that contrast with the ground color. See also puncticulate (small-dotted). |
puncticulate |
= small-dotted |
coloration |
Finely punctate (dotted). |
blotched |
= maculate, spotted |
coloration |
Having one or more areas that differ in color from the rest of the surface. See also eyespotted. |
bicolor(ous) |
< discolor(ous) |
coloration |
Having two surfaces of different colors; esp. leaves with differently colored adaxial and abaxial surfaces. |
opaque |
coloration |
Not transmitting light. |