…sulcate |
= …colpate, …fossulate, …furrowed, …grooved, …valleculate |
architecture |
Having the number of sulci indicated by the prefix; esp. pollen grains; as in monosulcate, polysulcate, 3-sulcate. |
repand |
margin |
Gently or shallowly sinuate. |
unilateral 3 |
= one-sided |
position |
Upon or arising from one side only of the bearing structure. |
crumpled |
= corrugate |
aestivation |
Having members tightly and irregularly folded, the whole appearing as though wadded upon emergence. |
nectary |
< gland |
A multicellular, anatomically distinct structure that produces and exudes nectar. |
galeate |
= galeiform, helmet-shaped |
solid shape |
Convex overall with a more or less smoothly curved apex, relatively thin-walled and essentially hollow with the interior open to one side below the distal portion; resembling a helmet. See also cucullate (cuculliform, hood-shaped), which overlaps conceptually. |
single-veined |
= hyphodromous, one-veined |
venation |
Having one median, primary vein and no other venation externally evident. |
bractleted |
= bracteolate |
architecture |
Bearing or subtended by one or more bractlets (bracteoles, prophylls). |
aerial root |
> climbing root |
A root, adventitious or not, that originates and functions entirely above ground during the normal life cycle of the plant. |
phyllary |
= involucral bract; < bract (broad sense) |
One of the bracts composing the involucre of a capitulum (head); in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
lancehead-shaped 1 |
= lanceolate |
plane shape |
Elongate, moderately narrow, broadest just above the base and gradually attenuate toward the apex, the sides more or less straight; like the outline of the broad lateral face of a lance head. See also oblanceolate. |
tholiform |
= dome-shaped |
solid shape |
Convex overall, broadest at the base, and transversely more or less circular to elliptical throughout. |
sawtoothed |
= serrate |
margin |
Having regularly spaced, angular convexities oriented at an acute angle to the generalized perimeter. See also scalloped (crenate), small-scalloped (crenulate), small-sawtoothed (serrulate), small-toothed (denticulate), toothed (dentate). |
appendage |
Any subordinate structure ontogenetically derived from and associated with a given organ or part. |
orbiculate |
= round; orbicular misapplied |
plane shape |
Circular. |
square |
plane shape |
Equilaterally rectangular. |
primary vein |
> costa, midnerve (not recommended), midrib, midvein, rib; >< lateral vein |
A strand belonging to the first order of vasculature in a leaf or other basically laminar structure. See also secondary vein, tertiary vein, veinlet. |
lunate |
= crescent-shaped |
plane shape |
Arcuate, broadest at the middle, and attenuate to acute ends; like the stylized outline of a first-quarter moon. |
foveolate |
= fine-pitted, scrobiculate |
relief |
Finely foveate (pitted). |
setose |
= hispid; < bristly |
pubescence |
Bearing relatively long and slender, more or less straight, terete, fine-pointed, stiff trichomes. See also setulose (hispidulous, small-bristly). |
bifurcate |
< forked, furcate |
plane shape |
Having two terminal, antrorse branches or divisions arising from a common point or level, like the prongs of a fork. |
acicular 1 |
plane shape |
Very slenderly elongate, widest near the middle, and gradually attenuate to an acute apex and a blunter base; like the lateral outline of a needle. |
basifixed |
fixation |
Attached at its base. |
suborbicular |
= subglobose, subrotund, subspheric(al), subspheroid(al) |
solid shape |
Broadly ellipsoid with a length:width ratio closely approaching 1:1; almost orbicular, slightly longer than broad. |
coleorhiza |
A sheath-like structure enclosing the radicle (embryonic root) in an embryo; esp. in Poaceae (Gramineae). |