intravaginal |
insertion |
Within the leaf sheath. |
surficial |
= superficial |
position |
Directly upon the surface of the structure in point. |
bractleted |
= bracteolate |
architecture |
Bearing or subtended by one or more bractlets (bracteoles, prophylls). |
rhombic |
= rhombate |
plane shape |
Broadest at the middle and more or less regularly attenuate to either end, the sides angled at the middle and more or less straight from there to either end. |
bicolor(ous) |
< discolor(ous) |
coloration |
Having two surfaces of different colors; esp. leaves with differently colored adaxial and abaxial surfaces. |
star-shaped 1 |
= stellate |
plane shape |
Having four or more intersecting radiate lobes or portions, each distally slender; like the stylized outline of a star. |
diffuse root |
> fibrous root |
Any member of a dense system of adventitious, slender roots that arise from the base of a main stem and functionally replace an evanescent primary root. |
tortuous |
course |
Strongly irregular with sharp bends and/or curves. |
leathery |
= coriaceous |
texture |
Moderately thick, tough, and very pliable. |
torulose |
= knotted |
solid shape |
Elongate and irregularly round in transverse section with narrow irregular constrictions and intervening, closely proximate gongyloid sectors, the whole straight or variously curved; serially gongyloid; like a sequentially knotted rope. |
fine-fringed |
= fimbrillate |
margin |
Finely fringed (fimbriate). |
scimitar-shaped |
= acinaciform |
solid shape |
Thin and moderately arcuate with two opposite, plane, broad faces, the degree of curvature increasing distally, thinnest at the convex edge, thicker toward the concave; like a scimitar blade. |
palet 2 |
= pale, palea |
The upper or distal of the (usually) two distinctive bracts immediately subtending the flower in a grass (Poaceae) spikelet. |
adaxial |
= ventral (not recommended) |
insertion |
On or pertaining to the side or portion of a lateral structure that faces (or would face) toward the bearing axis when (or if) the axis of the lateral structure is (or were) oriented in the same general direction as the bearing axis. |
bifurcate |
< forked, furcate |
plane shape |
Having two terminal, antrorse branches or divisions arising from a common point or level, like the prongs of a fork. |
emargination |
= notch |
A relatively small, acute sinus at the distal end of a laminar structure. |
marginal |
insertion |
Upon or otherwise directly associated with the margins. |
coleorhiza |
A sheath-like structure enclosing the radicle (embryonic root) in an embryo; esp. in Poaceae (Gramineae). |
furrowed |
= colpate, fossulate, grooved, sulcate, valleculate |
architecture |
Having one or more elongate, relatively narrow and shallow depressions (furrows). |
costule |
A longitudinal primary vein in a diminutive laminar structure, such as the blade of a leaflet, pinna or pinnule; a diminutive costa (rib). |
petiolar |
position |
Upon or otherwise directly associated with the petioles. |
lamina 2 pl. laminae |
= ray |
The distal, relatively flat portion of the zygomorphic corolla of a ray floret, terminating in 0--4 teeth or lobes; in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
apex pl. apices |
Configuration of the uppermost, distal, or terminal portion of a structure, its extent determined somewhat subjectively in relation to the shape of the structure as a whole. The concept of apex varies from one descriptive context to another, since the apex is not a clearly delimited, morphologically distinct entity. The terms for describing apical condition are not strictly coordinate logically — some are more inclusive than others, some describe conditions involving what can be regarded as appendages, and some refer to the apex in a developmental as well as a strictly topological sense — and precise characterization may require using more than one descriptor. The semantic antecedent of some descriptors is "apex," whereas the antecedent of others is the structure as a whole (e.g., leaf ). |
sapwood |
That portion of the wood (xylem) of a stem or root whose cells are still living and functional; concentric about the heartwood once the latter has begun to form. |
…winged |
= …pterous |
architecture |
Having the number of wings (alae) indicated by the prefix; as in 3-winged, five-winged. |