internode |
Any portion of a stem between two successive nodes. |
indusium pl. indusia |
A protective membrane that is an outgrowth from the epidermis and covers a sorus during its maturation; in Polypodiophyta. |
laevigate 1 |
relief |
Very smooth. |
semicircular |
arrangement |
bundle scars |
Forming an incomplete circle, like the letter C. |
solitary 1 |
arrangement |
Disposed singly, each remote from any others. |
amphibious |
habit |
plant |
Able to live in either aquatic or terrestrial habitats; e.g., adapted to periodic inundation on floodplains. |
simple-craspedodromous |
venation |
Having a midvein that branches to either side along the length of the lamina, the secondary veins and their branches all running toward and terminating at the margin. |
spinulose |
architecture |
Finely spinose. |
asymmetric(al) 2 |
architecture |
flower |
Having the perianth members in whorls that are irregular and/or unequal in number of members. |
deciduous 2 |
habit |
plant |
Perennial and having all leaves separating and falling away during a particular portion of the yearly cycle, especially the autumn or the dry season, between growing seasons. Semantically, this term is properly applied only to the entity that falls, not to the structure that it separates and falls from; in traditional usage, though, the term has been applied to trees and other perennial plants that shed all their leaves at some time during the yearly cycle. |
oblate |
solid shape |
Symmetrically elongate and broader than long perpendicular to the developmental or polar axis. |
node |
One of the evident sectors of a stem that occur sequentially along its length and from which leaves (megaphylls) and lateral branches arise exogenously. The anatomy of nodes differs from, but is not abruptly distinct longitudinally from, that of the intervening sectors (internodes), with which it is smoothly confluent and from which is distinguished by the lateral transit and egress of vascular traces interconnecting the stem and the leaves and branches that it bears. |
disc 2 var. disk |
Collectively, the disc florets of a capitulum (head), or the surface presented by them. |
barbed 2 |
solid shape |
Having one or more relatively short, stiff, acutely inserted or bent, antrorse or retrorse, terminal and/or lateral hook-like appendages; esp. awns or setae. |
basicaulous |
insertion |
At or very near the stem base. |
synstemonous |
architecture |
flower, androecium |
Having two or more stamens, some or all of them connate. |
endophytic |
habit |
Growing within some portion of another, unrelated, living plant. |
trichotomocolpate |
architecture |
pollen grain |
Having a triradiate surficial groove (colpus). |
branch |
Any higher-order division of or outgrowth from an axis, vein or veinlet when such division or outgrowth is equivalent in nature to the structure of origin. |
explosive |
dehiscence |
Opening abruptly with almost instantaneous aperture formation and release of accumulated structural tensions, the contents thus forcibly expelled. |
episepalous |
position |
Upon the sepals, or partially adnate thereto and apparently arising therefrom. |
piliferous |
apex |
Having a distinct, fine, weak, hair-like portion or protrusion. |
fissure |
A relatively narrow, split or crack in the outer tissue(s) of a structure. |
perigynium 1 pl. perigynia |
Two whorls of bracts, scales or setae immediately subtending the ovary, sometimes cupulate (cup-shaped) or ampulliform (flask-shaped, lageniform) and investing the fruit (achene); in Cyperaceae. |
versatile |
fixation |
Attached in a manner allowing free rotation and declination. |