…winged |
= …pterous |
architecture |
Having the number of wings (alae) indicated by the prefix; as in 3-winged, five-winged. |
barbellate |
architecture |
Bearing one or more barbels. |
cartilaginous |
= cartilage-like |
texture |
Firm, dense, tough, somewhat pliable, and resilient, like human cartilage. |
opaque |
coloration |
Not transmitting light. |
hard |
= indurate(d) |
texture |
Yielding only under strong pressure; not deformable without internal structural disruption. See also callose (callous), hard-coated (corticate), hard-stemmed (sclerocaulous). |
squamellose |
< scaly |
pubescence |
Finely squamose (lepidote). |
…dentate 1 |
= …-toothed |
apex |
Generally truncate but with the number of antrorse, attenuate, distal lobes indicated by the prefix; as in tridentate. |
present |
presence |
Occurring within the context in point. |
longitudinal 1 |
dehiscence |
Parallel to the central axis. |
twelve-… |
= dodeca… |
prefix |
Indicating presence of or constitution by twelve entities of the type denoted by the term's stem; as in twelve-loculed, twelve-stamened, twelve-styled. |
bifacial |
architecture |
Having two opposite broad surfaces that differ distinctly in appearance. |
fossula pl. fossulae |
= colpus, furrow, groove, sulcus, vallecula |
An elongate depression that is relatively shallow and narrow. |
serrulate |
= small-sawtoothed |
margin |
Finely serrate (sawtoothed). See also crentate (scalloped), crenulate (small-scalloped), dentate (toothed), denticulate (small-toothed). |
subglobose |
= suborbicular, subrotund, subspheric(al), subspheroid(al) |
solid shape |
Broadly ellipsoid with a length:width ratio closely approaching 1:1; almost globose, slightly longer than broad. |
keeled |
= carinate |
solid shape |
Having an elongate median longitudinal ridge that is basically triangular in transverse section, resembling the keel of a boat; esp. a leaf blade or sheath, glume, lemma, palea, sepal or petal. |
ramal |
position |
Upon or otherwise directly associated with the stem branches. |
exalate 1 |
= wingless |
architecture |
Lacking elongate, relatively thin protrusions or appendages that resemble wings. |
mottled |
coloration |
Having one or more indistinctly delineated, irregularly shaped, areas of varying size and contrasting hue and/or intensity. |
attenuate 2 |
= tapered |
solid shape |
Gradually diminishing in breadth or diameter from one end to the other. |
canaliculate |
= channeled |
solid shape |
Having a longitudinal, transversely rounded depression; esp. a petiole or petiolule. |
grooved |
= colpate, fossulate, furrowed, sulcate, valleculate |
architecture |
Having one or more relatively narrow and shallow longitudinal depressions (grooves). |
spinulose |
architecture |
Finely spinose. |
…cyclic |
= …seriate, …verticillate, …whorled |
arrangement |
Disposed in the number of cycles (series, verticils, whorls) indicated by the prefix; as in monocyclic, 3-cyclic. |
cottony |
> lanuginose |
pubescence |
Of or bearing relatively long and fine, intertwined, somewhat matted, capillate trichomes. See also lanuginose. |
pluri… |
= many-…, multi…, poly… |
prefix |
Indicating presence of or constitution by a relatively large number of entities of the type denoted by the term's stem; as in plurilocular, pluriseriate. See also oligo… (few-…). |