deciduous 2 |
habit |
plant |
Perennial and having all leaves separating and falling away during a particular portion of the yearly cycle, especially the autumn or the dry season, between growing seasons. Semantically, this term is properly applied only to the entity that falls, not to the structure that it separates and falls from; in traditional usage, though, the term has been applied to trees and other perennial plants that shed all their leaves at some time during the yearly cycle. |
sub-basifixed |
fixation |
Attached just above its base. |
disarticulating |
architecture |
axis |
Articulate(d) and with the main portions of the whole separating at the joints upon maturity or senescence. |
tomentulose |
pubescence |
Finely tomentose. |
…adelphous |
architecture |
flower, androecium |
Having two or more distinct sets of stamens, the sets differing from one another in the arrangements, insertions, positions and/or morphologies of the included stamens, the number of sets indicated by the prefix, at least one set with two or more members; as in diadelphous, monadelphous, triadelphous. |
epirhizal |
position |
Upon or arising from the roots. |
tubular |
solid shape |
Cylindric or attenuate-cylindric overall and with a hollow interior open at one or both ends. |
firm |
texture |
Yielding under only moderately strong pressure; only slightly deformable without internal structural disruption. |
pericolpate |
architecture |
pollen grain |
Having more than three surficial grooves (colpi) oriented such that some or all of them cross meridians. |
vernation |
Disposition of leaves in the bud. |
vallecular |
insertion |
In or otherwise directly associated with the valleculae; esp. in fruits of Apiaceae (Umbelliferae). |
barbellate |
architecture |
Bearing one or more barbels. |
floral |
position |
Upon, within, or associated with the flowers. |
pseudostem |
A structure that resembles a stem but is not part of the axial system of a shoot, lacking anatomical differentiation into nodes and internodes. |
glandular 2 |
exudation |
Anatomically distinct and producing and exuding a particular substance. |
pyxis pl. pyxides |
nominative |
fruit |
Like a capsule but circumscissile, the one or more seeds being released from the locule(s) upon separation of the distal, cap-like portion of the pericarp. See also diplotegium. |
calyptrate |
architecture |
Having or constituting a calyptra. |
hypocotyl |
That portion of an embryo axis between the level of cotyledon insertion above and the root meristem (or radicle, if present) below. |
internodal |
insertion |
Upon or otherwise directly associated with the internodes. |
anisophyllous |
architecture |
plant, axis |
Heterophyllous and bearing leaves of two or more distinct sizes or shapes on the same plants. |
clinandrium pl. clinandria |
The cavity in a floral column (gynostemium) within which the anthers are borne. |
sellaeform |
solid shape |
See selliform. |
arillate |
architecture |
seed |
Having an aril. |
connective |
The tissue between and joining the laterally opposed thecae of an anther, connecting them with the distal end of the staminal filament when the latter is present. |
simple 1 |
architecture |
Externally unitary and comprising only one basic morphological unit; not compound in either sense of that term. |