stalked 6 |
= stipitate |
architecture |
structure |
Having a stipe. |
stalked 5 |
= funiculate |
architecture |
ovule |
Having a funiculus (funicle), by which it is attached to the ovary wall. |
stalked 4 |
= petiolulate |
architecture |
leaflet |
Having a petiolule. |
stalked 3 |
= petiolate |
architecture |
leaf |
Having a petiole. |
stalked 2 |
= pedunculate |
architecture |
inflorescence |
Having a peduncle. |
stalked 1 |
= pedicellate |
architecture |
flower |
Having a pedicel. |
stalk |
> androgynophore, carpophore, columella, funicle, funiculus, gynophore, hypogynium, pedicel, peduncle, petiole, petiolule, sporangiophore, stipe (Orchidaceae), stipe (broad sense, not recommended); >< androphore |
A supporting axis or column that bears a structure at its apex; may be ontogenetically distinct from the structure that it bears, or may be the basal portion of an ontogenetic entity that includes both the stalk and the structure that it bears; usually narrower than the structure that it bears. |
squarrose |
orientation |
lateral structure |
Having the proximal portion appressed and the distal portion deflexed, the latter more or less perpendicular to the surface of the bearing structure. |
square |
plane shape |
Equilaterally rectangular. |
squamule 3 |
= lodicule, squamella |
One of two or three small, scale-like structures inserted at the base of the androecium, distal to the palea, in most grass (Poaceae) flowers; often regarded as a vestigial branch or perianth member. |
squamule 2 |
= squamella; < scale |
A small, dry bract borne on the compound receptacle (torus) of a capitulum (head); in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
squamule 1 |
= squamella; < scale |
A diminutive squama (lepis). |
squamose |
= lepidote, squamate; < scaly |
pubescence |
Bearing squamae (lepides). See also squamellose. |
squamiform |
= scale-like |
solid shape |
Isodiametric to elongate in broad outline, relatively very thin, and planate to moderately concave-convex. |
squamellose |
< scaly |
pubescence |
Finely squamose (lepidote). |
squamella 3 pl. squamellae |
= lodicule, squamule |
One of two or three small, scale-like structures inserted at the base of the androecium, distal to the palea, in most grass (Poaceae) flowers; often regarded as a vestigial branch or perianth member. |
squamella 2 pl. squamellae |
= squamule; < scale |
A small, dry bract borne on the compound receptacle (torus) of a capitulum (head); in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
squamella 1 pl. squamellae |
= squamule; < scale, trichome |
A diminutive squama (lepis). |
squamate |
= lepidote, squamose; < scaly |
pubescence |
Bearing squamae (lepides). See also squamellose. |
squama pl. squamae |
= lepis; < scale, trichome |
A relatively thick, planate trichome. See also squamella (squamule). |
spurred |
= calcarate |
base |
Having a relatively slender protrusion resembling a spur. |
spur 2 |
= short-shoot |
A first- or higher-order woody stem branch having relatively unelongated internodes, thus proximate nodes, and limited duration of growth, usually branching little if at all; often a main locus of flower production; usually more or less perpendicular to the axis that bears it and resembling a spur projecting from it; sometimes becoming more or less spinose after elongation ceases; esp. in Rosaceae. |
spur 1 |
A hollow protrusion from a calyx or corolla, often nectariferous. |
spreading |
= patent, porrect, salient |
orientation |
lateral structure |
Antrorse and diverging at an acute angle from the bearing structure. |
spotted |
= blotched, maculate |
coloration |
Having one or more areas that differ in color from the rest of the surface. See also eyespotted. |