glandular 2 |
exudation |
Anatomically distinct and producing and exuding a particular substance. |
sorus pl. sori |
A cluster of sporangia borne upon a fertile frond, usually on its abaxial surface; often covered during maturation by a protective membrane, the indusium, that is an outgrowth from the epidermis; in Polypodiophyta. |
…parted |
? …cleft, …fid, …lobate, …lobed, …partite, …segmented |
plane shape |
Having the number of lobes, divisions or segments indicated by the prefix; as in five-parted. |
sword-shaped 1 |
= ensate |
plane shape |
Elongate and moderately slender, broadest at the base and gradually attenuate to a short, more strongly attenuate, acute apex; like the outline of the lateral face of a broadsword blade. |
epiphyllous |
insertion |
Upon the leaves, or partially adnate thereto and apparently arising therefrom. |
rhytidomal |
position |
Within, upon, or otherwise directly associated with the bark. |
bundle scar |
A smaller scar within the bounds of a leaf scar at the point where a vascular bundle traversed the abscission layer between stem and leaf. |
stellate 2 |
= star-shaped |
plane shape |
Having four or more intersecting radiate lobes or portions, each distally slender; like the stylized outline of a star. |
pith |
The central ground tissue of a stem or, when present, of a root, consisting of thin-walled parenchyma cells; distinct and more or less soft and spongy relative to the other tissues of the axis; sometimes partly or wholly degenerating after secondary growth has begun. |
pseudoaxillary |
insertion |
Only apparently axillary; originally extraaxillary but displaced to the axil by differential growth during development. |
leftward |
= sinistrorse |
orientation |
Directed to the left, relative to the direction of growth along an explicit or implicit axis of reference. See also rightward (dextrorse). |
torus 2 pl. tori |
= receptacle |
The short, expanded, compound axial structure surmounting a peduncle and basal to two or more flowers, or to the florets of a capitulum (head) in Asteraceae (Compositae), where it may bear paleae (receptacular bracts), scales, bristles, trichomes, or subulate enations, and may be smooth or variously pitted (alveolate, foveolate). |
concave-tapered 2 |
= attenuate |
base |
Gradually diminishing in width or diameter toward the proximal end, the sides longitudinally concave. Corresponds with acuminate for apex shape. |
firm |
texture |
Yielding under only moderately strong pressure; only slightly deformable without internal structural disruption. |
divided |
? cleft, dissected, lobate, lobed, parted, partite, segmented |
plane shape |
Having two or more component sectors or peripheral protrusions that are delimited by concavities in the surface or margin and that are not proximally distinct from the remainder of the whole. The meanings of this term and its approximate synonyms sometimes have been supposed to differ according to the depth of the delimiting concavities relative to the midline or midpoint of the overall structure, and/or to the shape or proportions of the protusions or sectors; however, there has been little consistency in the applications of the various terms according to such distinctions, which are ones only of degree and are necessarily arbitrary in any case. In general usage, these terms differ only indistinctly and connotatively: cleft, lobed (or lobate), parted (or partite) and segmented tend to connote fewer protrusions or sectors; lobate usually connotes as well a generally rounded shape; dissected tends to connote more numerous sectors that are elongate and angular. See also cut (incised, lacerate, torn), laciniate (slashed). |
pallid |
coloration |
Relatively pale; not strongly colored. |
inflated |
solid shape |
Relatively thin-walled with an essentially empty interior largely enclosed by the walls, which are convex overall and appear taut, as though from internal pressure. See also swollen (turgid, tumid), which is not clearly distinct in its application. |
embryo sac |
< megagametophyte |
The multinucleate generative cell of an ovule, within which fertilization and zygote formation occur; resulting from meiotic division of a megaspore mother cell within the nucellus, and thus genetically haploid; its contents generally considered to represent an evolutionarily reduced gametophyte. |
remote |
= distant |
arrangement |
Disposed relatively far from one another along the axis. |
masculine |
= male |
reproduction |
Of the sex that produces microspores and sperm. |
unilateral 1 |
= one-sided |
architecture |
Having only one side, as compared with presumably equivalent, bilaterally symmetric structures. |
cruciate 2 |
= cross-shaped |
solid shape |
Having two elongate, basically straight portions intersecting at a point interior to the ends of each. |
neck (floral tube) |
The solid, usually constricted portion of a floral tube sometimes present between casing and collar when those are both present. |
fusiform |
= spindle-shaped |
solid shape |
Elongate, transversely round, broadest at the middle and regularly attenuate to either end. |
bracteole 2 |
= bractlet, prophyll(um); < bract |
A second- or higher-order bract within, and subtending some portion of, an aggregate branching structure, especially when subtending a flower. |