pulley-wheel-shaped |
= trochlear |
solid shape |
Discoid (disciform) but with the circumferential surface concave between faces. |
seed coat |
= testa |
The outer protective layer of a seed, developed from the ovular integument(s). |
ventrifixed |
fixation |
Attached on the adaxial side well above the base. |
geminate |
= conjugate, paired |
arrangement |
Inserted by pairs, the members of each fused or not. |
papilliform |
= papillar(y) |
solid shape |
Small, conoidal, and protruding from a larger structure; resembling a pimple; esp. trichomes. |
integument |
A distinct layer of tissue that encloses and serves to protect the other tissues of an organ, especially a seed. |
epibracteal |
insertion |
Upon the bracts, or partially adnate thereto and apparently arising therefrom. |
revolute 1 |
margin |
Rolled inward abaxially. |
concave-tapered 2 |
= attenuate |
base |
Gradually diminishing in width or diameter toward the proximal end, the sides longitudinally concave. Corresponds with acuminate for apex shape. |
small-toothed |
= denticulate |
margin |
Finely toothed (dentate). See also sawtoothed (serrate), scalloped (crenate), small-scalloped (crenulate), small-sawtoothed (serrulate). |
heart-shaped 2 |
= cordate |
plane shape |
Fairly regularly attenuate from a broad, bilobate base to a narrow apex, the lobes large, rounded, retrorse, and intersecting; like the stylized outline of the broad lateral face of a heart. See also obcordate. |
pinnatisect |
< pinnate, pinnatifid |
solid shape |
Pinnately divided with the sinuses extending to the central axis. |
tree-like |
= dendritic |
architecture |
Like the branched axial structure of a tree. |
scalloped |
= crenate |
margin |
Having regularly alternating, rounded convexities and concavities oriented more or less perpendicular to the generalized perimeter. See also sawtoothed (serrate), small-sawtoothed (serrulate), small-scalloped (crenulate), small-toothed (denticulate), toothed (dentate). |
ovuliferous scale |
< cone scale, macrosporophyll (not recommended), megasporophyll |
A fertile scale in a female cone (megastrobilus), bearing one or two naked ovules, and subsequently seed(s), subtended by and borne closely upon a sterile, fleshy or woody scale sometimes termed a bract scale; in Pinophyta. |
cruciate 2 |
= cross-shaped |
solid shape |
Having two elongate, basically straight portions intersecting at a point interior to the ends of each. |
inconspicuous |
manifestation |
Not prominently evident. |
prophyllar |
position |
Upon or otherwise directly associated with the prophylls (bracteoles, bractlets). |
male |
= masculine |
reproduction |
Of the sex that produces microspores and sperm. |
casing |
The portion (if any) of a floral tube that is adnate to the gynoecium. See also collar, neck. |
full |
extent |
Reaching from the ovary wall or pericarp to the center of the ovary or fruit and from the apex to the base of its interior, thus separating adjacent locules completely. |
showy |
< conspicuous |
manifestation |
Prominently evident and attractive due to size, shape and/or coloration. |
peripheral |
position |
Upon or otherwise directly associated with the outer surfaces or regions of a three-dimensional structure. Although use of this term in two-dimensional contexts is technically correct, traditionally the term marginal is preferred in such cases. |
lacrimate |
= teardrop-shaped |
plane shape |
Like the stylized lateral outline of a teardrop; broadest just below the middle, broadly rounded to the base, and acutely attenuate to the apex; like the stylized lateral outline of a teardrop. |
eyespotted |
= ocellate |
coloration |
Having a more or less circular area that differes in hue and/or intensity from the remainder of the structure; esp. a corolla with such an area at its center. |