fascicled 1 |
= bundled (not recommended), fasciculate |
architecture |
inflorescence |
Comprising one or more fascicles. |
reticulate 1 |
= anastomosing, net-like, netted |
architecture |
tertiary and higher-order laminar veins, excl veinlets |
Interconnecting more or less regularly. |
vaginate |
= sheathed |
architecture |
structure |
Closely enclosed over some or all of its length by a terete or involute structure. |
neuter |
architecture |
flower, floret |
Lacking both stamens and pistils. |
pinnate |
> pinnatifid, pinnatisect |
architecture |
foliaceous structure |
Compound with one order of leaflets inserted at different points along and to either side of the axis, from which those on each side diverge more or less in parallel; or lobed (cleft, divided, parted, segmented), incised or ribbed in a similar, feather-like pattern. Unless qualified to indicate otherwise, this term usually is understood to mean "pinnately once-compound." See also imparipinnate, palmatipinnate, paripinnate, …pinnate, pinnatifid. |
deliquescent 1 |
architecture |
axis, laminar vein |
Branching laterally and repeatedly such that the initial axis loses its prominence over the length of the structure and seems to dissolve into the succesive orders of branches. See also excurrent. |
thyrse-like |
= thyrsiform |
architecture |
capitulescence, inflorescence |
Resembling a thyrse, but not strictly such. |
stalkless |
= exstipitate, sessile, unstalked |
architecture |
Lacking a stalk, thus inserted ("sitting") directly upon the bearing structure. |
excavate(d) |
= hollow |
architecture |
axis |
Having pith tissue absent or disintegrating prior to axial maturity, resulting in an uninterrupted cavity running the length of the axis. Semantically, this term and its synonym refer to the axis, not to the pith itself, although the latter application has been traditional. |
alate 2 |
= saccate, vesiculate, winged |
architecture |
pollen grain |
Having lateral lobes or enations that resemble sacs or somewhat inflated wings. |
drupaceous |
architecture |
fruit |
Having the structure and texture of a drupe. |
pericolporate |
architecture |
pollen grain |
Pericolpate, each groove containing a pore. |
baccate |
= berry-like |
architecture |
fruit |
Having the structure and texture of a berry. |
polypetalous |
= apopetalous, choripetalous, dialypetalous |
architecture |
flower, perianth, corolla |
Having two or more distinct petals; having the petals unfused. |
clathrate |
= cancellate, latticed |
architecture |
foliaceous structure |
Having portions of the blade naturally devoid of any but vascular tissue, which forms an open lattice in those areas. |
sepaloid |
= sepal-like |
architecture |
structure |
Resembling a sepal in shape, texture and color. |
racemose |
architecture |
inflorescence |
Comprising one or more racemes. |
hypostom(at)ic |
= hypostomatous |
architecture |
foliaceous structure |
Having stomata on only the abaxial surface. |
…pinnate |
architecture |
foliaceous structure |
Compound with the number of orders of leaflets indicated by the prefix, each order pinnate; as in bipinnate, tripinnate. |
thyrsiform |
= thyrse-like |
architecture |
capitulescence, inflorescence |
Resembling a thyrse, but not strictly such. |
excurrent |
architecture |
axis, laminar vein |
Branching laterally such that the initial axis retains its prominence over the length of the structure, the succesive orders of branches relatively smaller. See also deliquescent. |
colpate |
= fossulate, furrowed, grooved, sulcate, valleculate |
architecture |
Having one or more elongate, relatively narrow and shallow depressions (colpi). |
tergeminate |
= trigeminous, trijugate |
architecture |
foliaceous structure |
Compound with three orders of leaflets, each order bifoliolate. |
crassate |
architecture |
Relatively thick for the type of structure or in the taxonomic context. |
polyplicate |
architecture |
pollen grain |
Inaperturate with meridional folds, thus appearing longitudinally wrinkled. |