half-inferior |
= subinferior |
position |
ovary |
Having its proximal portion enclosed by a floral tube casing, the more distal portions of the perianth and/or androecium thus arising between its base and apex. |
connate-perfoliate |
architecture |
opposite laminar structures |
Having the bases in each pair fused and together encircling the bearing axis. See also amplexicaulous, perfoliate. |
hysterophyllous |
maturation |
non-foliar structure, esp. flower |
Maturing later than the leaves. |
hysteranthous |
maturation |
non-floral structure, esp. leaf |
Maturing later than the flowers. |
synanthous |
maturation |
non-floral structure |
Maturing at the same time as the flowers. See also coetaneous. |
…ovulate |
= …ovuled |
architecture |
megasporophyll, ovary |
Having the number of ovules indicated by the previx; as in biovulate, multiovulate. |
…ovuled |
= …ovulate |
architecture |
megasporophyll, ovary |
Having the number of ovules indicated by the previx; as in ten-ovuled. |
rosulate |
= rosetted |
arrangement |
leaves |
Forming a rosette; strongly congested and disposed radially about the main stem at or very near its base, seeming to arise at the same level and often overlapping laterally; esp. in perennial herbs. |
rosetted |
= rosulate |
arrangement |
leaves |
Forming a rosette; strongly congested and disposed in radial symmetry about the main stem at or very near its base, seeming to arise at the same level and often overlapping laterally; esp. in perennial herbs. |
petiolulate |
< stalked |
architecture |
leaflet |
Having a petiolule. |
stalked 4 |
= petiolulate |
architecture |
leaflet |
Having a petiolule. |
pitcher-bladed |
= ascidiate |
architecture |
leaf |
Having a pitcher-shaped (ascidiform) blade; esp. in Nepenthaceae, Sarraceniaceae. |
petiolate |
< stalked |
architecture |
leaf |
Having a petiole. |
pseudopetiolate |
architecture |
leaf |
Having a distinctly constricted, more or less stalk-like, proximal portion that is evolutionarily derived from the blade, the original petiole reduced to the point of absence or vestigiality; esp. in Poaceae (Gramineae). |
stalked 3 |
= petiolate |
architecture |
leaf |
Having a petiole. |
ascidiate 1 |
= pitcher-bladed |
architecture |
leaf |
Having an ascidiform (pitcher-shaped) blade; esp. in Nepenthaceae, Sarraceniaceae. |
exstipulate |
= estipulate |
architecture |
leaf |
Lacking stipules. |
estipulate |
= exstipulate |
architecture |
leaf |
Lacking stipules. |
salient |
= patent, porrect, spreading |
orientation |
lateral structure |
Antrorse and diverging at an acute angle from the bearing structure. |
descending |
= downcurved |
orientation |
lateral structure |
Salient at its base and then curving downward or backward. |
appressed |
orientation |
lateral structure |
Angled at or near the base and closely flattened against the surface of the bearing structure, thus more or less parallel to it. |
squarrose |
orientation |
lateral structure |
Having the proximal portion appressed and the distal portion deflexed, the latter more or less perpendicular to the surface of the bearing structure. |
upcurved |
= ascending, assurgent |
orientation |
lateral structure |
Spreading at the base and then curving upward or forward, the distal portion more or less parallel to the bearing structure. |
ascending |
= assurgent, upcurved |
orientation |
lateral structure |
Spreading at the base and then curving upward or forward, the distal portion more or less parallel to the bearing structure. |
patent |
= porrect, salient, spreading |
orientation |
lateral structure |
Antrorse and diverging at an acute angle from the bearing structure. |