complex |
architecture |
Comprising two or more basic structural entities, at least two of which are dissimilar. |
mericarp |
= coccus |
One of the segments of a dehisced schizocarp; usually one-seeded and itself indehiscent. |
crisped |
= crispate, curly |
margin |
Having closely and irregularly spaced, irregularly shaped, often compound convexities that curve irregularly through three dimensions. |
vascular |
position |
Upon or otherwise directly associated with the vasculature. |
sellaeform |
solid shape |
See selliform. |
basipetal |
development |
Proceeding toward the base, thus more advanced apically or distally than basally or proximally within a given frame of reference. |
absent |
presence |
Not occurring within the context in point. |
gland |
> nectary |
An anatomically distinct multicellular structure that produces and exudes a particular substance, or resembles those that do. |
parietal |
placentation |
Upon the inner wall surface of a unilocular ovary, thus peripheral within the locule. |
epicotyl |
= plumule |
A distinguishable nascent shoot developed in the embryo in some taxa, consisting of a shoot axis with unexpanded internodes and one or more leaf primordia, being that portion of the embryo above the level of cotyledon insertion; the primordial shoot, when developed by the embryo within a seed; the first bud of a spermatophyte, when developed by an embryo within the seed. In other taxa the shoot is represented in the embryo only by a quiescent apical meristem at the summit of the embryonic axis. |
epidermal cell |
Any of the unspecialized cells of an epidermis; i.e., any other than stomatal guard cells or cells directly associated with trichomes. While the latter specialized cells are also properly epidermal cells, they are treated separately for descriptive purposes and, for the sake of convenience, use of the general term is restricted to the unspecialized cells that constitute the bulk of an epidermis. |
intravaginal |
position |
Within the leaf sheath. |
suture |
An evident line of ontogenetic union. |
rhomboid |
= diamond-shaped |
solid shape |
Transversely square, broadest and longitudinally angular at the middle, regularly attenuate to angular ends, all faces essentially plane; like the stylized shape of a diamond. |
nucellus pl. nucelli |
The distinct, genetically diploid tissue layer immediately surrounding the embryo sac of an ovule; often considered equivalent to a megasporangium wall. |
caesious |
< ceraceous, cereous, pruinose, waxen, waxy |
coating |
Greenish pruinose; covered with a thin, opaque, greenish deposit (bloom) of macroscopically indistinguishable waxy particles that rubs off easily. See also glaucescent, glaucous. |
hemispheric(al) |
solid shape |
Half-spheric(al); broadest at the base and uniformly rounded to the apex, circular in any transverse section, and half-circular in any median longitudinal section. |
…angled |
= …gonous |
solid shape |
Elongate with the number of longitudinal angles indicated by the prefix, the intervening sides transversely flat or curved; as in four-angled. See also …angular (…gonal), deltoid, obdeltoid, triquetrous. |
star-shaped 2 |
= stellate |
solid shape |
Having a distal aspect like the stylized shape of a star; stipitate or sessile with elongate branches or appendages radiating widely in three dimensions from a common point at the apex of the proximal axis or, when sessile, upon the bearing surface. |
leathery |
= coriaceous |
texture |
Moderately thick, tough, and very pliable. |
coating |
Exudate that covers the surface proper. See also indumentum (vesture), pubescence. |
torulose |
= knotted |
solid shape |
Elongate and irregularly round in transverse section with narrow irregular constrictions and intervening, closely proximate gongyloid sectors, the whole straight or variously curved; serially gongyloid; like a sequentially knotted rope. |
fine-fringed |
= fimbrillate |
margin |
Finely fringed (fimbriate). |
scimitar-shaped |
= acinaciform |
solid shape |
Thin and moderately arcuate with two opposite, plane, broad faces, the degree of curvature increasing distally, thinnest at the convex edge, thicker toward the concave; like a scimitar blade. |
axil |
The space bounded by and near the vertex of the distal angle between a lateral structure, especially a leaf, and the axis that bears it. |