head-shaped |
= capitate, capitiform |
solid shape |
Basically globose and resembling a head in the context of occurrence. |
pilosulous |
pubescence |
Finely pilose. |
cucullate 1 |
= hooded |
architecture |
Bearing, incorporating, or surmounted by a hood-shaped structure. |
scabrous 1 |
= rough |
pubescence |
Of or bearing coarse, stiff, ascending trichomes and markedly rough to the touch. |
basipetal |
development |
Proceeding toward the base, thus more advanced apically or distally than basally or proximally within a given frame of reference. |
cauline |
insertion |
Upon, arising from, or otherwise directly associated with the stem. |
ovate |
= egg-shaped |
plane shape |
Elongate and wholly convex, widest near a bluntly rounded base and attenuate to a narrower rounded apex; like the lateral outline of a fowl egg. See also obovate. |
prominence |
Elevation or depression of a discrete feature relative to the surrounding surface. |
eccentric |
position |
Having a center or axis of symmetry not coincident with that of the context of reference. |
macrospore (not recommended) |
= megaspore |
A female spore; a spore of the larger of two types produced by the sporophytes of a heterosporous taxon; produced in a megasporangium; giving rise upon germination to a megagametophyte. |
umbilicate |
solid shape |
Having a relatively small, transversely round, central depression in an essentially round broad face. |
frond |
< leaf, macrophyll (not recommended), megaphyll |
A leaf in Polypodiophyta or Palmae (Arecaceae), usually relatively large and often highly dissected. Use of this term in preference to "leaf" in descriptions of ferns and palms is a matter of tradition only, not of morphological or evolutionary distinction. |
columella 1 pl. columellae, columellas |
= carpophore; < stalk |
Any pedestal-like prolongation of a floral receptacle extending beyond the distalmost level of perianth insertion and bearing the gynoecium. |
periclinal |
orientation |
Parallel to some given plane of reference; applied especially to the plane of cell division when it is oriented parallel to the generalized plane of the structural surface. |
knotted |
= torulose |
solid shape |
Elongate and irregularly round in transverse section with narrow irregular constrictions and intervening, closely proximate gongyloid sectors, the whole straight or variously curved; serially gongyloid; like a sequentially knotted rope. |
ray 2 |
= lamina |
The distal, relatively flat portion of the corolla of a ray floret, terminating in 0--4 teeth or lobes; in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
extent |
Reach of the septum or septa within the ovary or fruit, relative to the ovary wall or pericarp and its center. |
warty |
= tuberculate, tuberculose, verrucose |
relief |
Covered with small, relatively broad, irregularly shaped, obtuse protrusions. |
axehead-shaped |
= dolabrate |
solid shape |
Like an axe head oriented cutting edge downward. |
capitulescence |
architecture |
Mode or progressive pattern of bearing capitula (heads); most appropriately described using adjectival terms; esp. in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
sporangium pl. sporangia |
= spore case |
A spore-producing organ; basically capsular, often supported by a slender stalk (sporangiophore), often operculate (lidded). In Bryophyta and Polypodiophyta, a distinct portion of the sporangial wall effects regular dehiscence at maturity. Sporangia or their equivalents are also present, but of little or no descriptive significance, in seed plants. |
…crenate |
= …-scalloped |
margin |
Having the number of orders of crenae (scallops) indicated by the prefix, one upon another; as in bicrenate, twice-crenate. See also …dentate (…-toothed), …serrate (…-sawtoothed). |
lip |
= labium; > labellum |
Any substructure that resembles a lip, especially a portion of a perianth, calyx or corolla. |
tubercular |
= tuberculose |
solid shape |
Comprising small knot-like segments. |
oily 1 |
= greasy, oleaginous, unctuous |
coating |
Of a grease- or oil-like film. |