homomorphic |
> homocladic, homophyllous, homostylous |
architecture |
Occurring in only one form within the taxon in point. |
stomatal pore 2 |
= stomium |
The opening in the wall of a sporangium, between the lip cells, through which the spores exit; in Psilotophyta, Lycopodiophyta, Equisetophyta, Polypodiophyta. |
pungent 1 |
= acrid |
apex |
Terminating abruptly in a rigid, relatively short, sharp point composed of both vascular and laminar tissues. |
vascular bundle |
A discrete strand of conducting tissues (xylem, phloem) and associated cells (e.g., cambium) within a stem or other axial structure. |
central |
= medial, median |
position |
At, upon, or closely ranged about the structural or symmetrical midpoint or axis. |
selliform var. sellaeform |
= saddle-shaped |
solid shape |
Relatively thin, broad and long, strongly compound-curved, concavely from end to end and convexly from side to side; like the generalized shape of a saddle. |
glandless |
= eglandular |
architecture |
Lacking glands. |
crowded |
= compact, congested |
architecture |
Having equivalent constituent parts disposed very near to one another. |
intravaginal |
position |
Within the leaf sheath. |
suture |
An evident line of ontogenetic union. |
epipetalous |
insertion |
Upon the petals, or partially adnate thereto and apparently arising therefrom. |
rhomboid |
= diamond-shaped |
solid shape |
Transversely square, broadest and longitudinally angular at the middle, regularly attenuate to angular ends, all faces essentially plane; like the stylized shape of a diamond. |
nucellus pl. nucelli |
The distinct, genetically diploid tissue layer immediately surrounding the embryo sac of an ovule; often considered equivalent to a megasporangium wall. |
commissure |
Precisely, the joint or common boundary between the facing surfaces of two coherent or mutually appressed structures such as mericarps or stigmas, but traditionally (though imprecisely) applied to such a facing surface itself. |
hemispheric(al) |
solid shape |
Half-spheric(al); broadest at the base and uniformly rounded to the apex, circular in any transverse section, and half-circular in any median longitudinal section. |
star-shaped 2 |
= stellate |
solid shape |
Having a distal aspect like the stylized shape of a star; stipitate or sessile with elongate branches or appendages radiating widely in three dimensions from a common point at the apex of the proximal axis or, when sessile, upon the bearing surface. |
diffuse-porous |
porosity |
Homogeneously porous, the vessels not differentially disposed by size or number. |
leathery |
= coriaceous |
texture |
Moderately thick, tough, and very pliable. |
torulose |
= knotted |
solid shape |
Elongate and irregularly round in transverse section with narrow irregular constrictions and intervening, closely proximate gongyloid sectors, the whole straight or variously curved; serially gongyloid; like a sequentially knotted rope. |
fine-fringed |
= fimbrillate |
margin |
Finely fringed (fimbriate). |
carinate |
= keeled |
solid shape |
Having an elongate median longitudinal ridge that is basically triangular in transverse section, resembling the keel of a boat; esp. a leaf blade or sheath, glume, lemma, palea, sepal or petal. |
scimitar-shaped |
= acinaciform |
solid shape |
Thin and moderately arcuate with two opposite, plane, broad faces, the degree of curvature increasing distally, thinnest at the convex edge, thicker toward the concave; like a scimitar blade. |
beak 2 |
= rostrum |
The inner, horn-like segment of a coronal lobe; esp. in Asclepiadaceae. |
palet 2 |
= pale, palea |
The upper or distal of the (usually) two distinctive bracts immediately subtending the flower in a grass (Poaceae) spikelet. |
alternate 1 |
arrangement |
Inserted singly along the axis, each at a different level and each diverging on a different radius than the ones next above and below. |