turion |
< sucker |
A scaly sucker. |
turgid |
= swollen, tumid |
solid shape |
Engorged in appearance, convex overall with the surface appearing taut, as though from internal pressure. See also inflated, which is not clearly distinct in its application. |
turbinate |
= top-shaped |
solid shape |
Broadly obovoid-obconic; like a spinning top. See also pyriform (pear-shaped), obturbinate. |
tunicate |
architecture |
structure |
Having a tunic. |
tunic |
A membranous covering outside the epidermis, especially around bulbs and corms, often becoming loose, sometimes scarious. |
tumid |
= swollen, turgid |
solid shape |
Engorged in appearance, convex overall with the surface appearing taut , as though from internal pressure. See also inflated, which is not clearly distinct in its application. |
tufted 2 |
> floccose |
pubescence |
Of or bearing tufts of soft, fine, capillate trichomes that rub off easily. |
tufted 1 |
= cespitose |
habit |
plants |
Growing in distinct, compact, relatively dense, turf-like aggregations. |
tuft |
> coma |
A distinct, compact, relatively dense, homogeneous aggregation of plants or constituent structures such as stems, branches, leaves, bracts or trichomes. |
tubular |
solid shape |
Cylindric or attenuate-cylindric overall and with a hollow interior open at one or both ends. |
tubiform |
= trumpet-shaped |
solid shape |
Obteretely tubular with a relatively short distal flare (the limb if a perianth, calyx, or corolla). |
tuberous 2 |
architecture |
structure |
Resembling a tuber in shape and texture, but not ontogenetically such; esp. roots. |
tuberous 1 |
architecture |
plant |
Bearing tubers. |
tuberoid (root-stem) |
= dropper |
An axial outgrowth that descends from a bulb and eventually forms a new bulb; esp. in Orchidaceae. |
tuberculose 2 |
= tubercular |
solid shape |
Comprising small knot-like segments. |
tuberculose 1 |
= tuberculate, verrucose, warty |
relief |
Covered with small, relatively broad, irregularly shaped, obtuse protrusions. |
tuberculate |
= tuberculose, verrucose, warty |
relief |
Covered with small, relatively broad, irregularly shaped, obtuse protrusions. |
tubercular |
= tuberculose |
solid shape |
Comprising small knot-like segments. |
tubercle |
A small, rounded, knot-like swelling or wart-like protrusion. |
tuber |
An enlarged, basically subterranean stem segment or thallus outgrowth containing a high proportion of storage tissue and functioning as a perennating and often vegetatively propagative structure. |
trunk |
= bole; < main stem, primary stem |
The relatively stout, columnar, main stem of a distinct aboveground portion of a tree. |
truncate 2 |
base |
Having a generalized proximal boundary that is more or less straight or plane and approximately perpendicular to the central axis. |
truncate 1 |
= abrupt |
apex |
Having a distal boundary that is generally straight or plane and approximately perpendicular to the central axis. |
trumpet-shaped |
= tubiform |
solid shape |
Obteretely tubular with a relatively short distal flare (the limb if a perianth, calyx, or corolla). |
trulloid |
solid shape |
Elongate, basically square in transverse section, broadest below the middle, regularly attenuate to angular ends, all faces essentially plane. See also obtrulloid. |