epibracteal |
position |
Upon the bracts, or partially adnate thereto and apparently arising therefrom. |
ephemeral |
duration |
plant |
Annual with a very short life span; germinating, growing, reproducing, and dying within a brief period of favorable conditions, the entire cycle being completed within a few weeks. |
epaleate |
= naked |
architecture |
receptacle (torus) |
Lacking paleae (pales, palets); in Asteraceae (Compositae) |
enzymatic |
exudation |
Secreting a digestive exoenzyme; in carnivorous plants. |
entomophilous |
= insect-pollinated |
reproduction |
plant, strobilus, flower |
Having the pollen normally transported between strobili or flowers by insects. |
entire |
margin |
Uninterrupted; not deviating significantly from its general line, thus lacking any localized convexities or concavities. |
ensiform |
= sword-shaped |
solid shape |
Elongate and moderately slender, strongly compressed, the opposite faces plane, parallel, broadest at the base and gradually attenuate to a short, more strongly attenuate, acute apex; like a broadsword blade. |
ensate |
= sword-shaped |
plane shape |
Elongate and moderately slender, broadest at the base and gradually attenuate to a short, more strongly attenuate, acute apex; like the outline of the lateral face of a broadsword blade. |
ennea… |
= nine-… |
prefix |
Indicating presence of or constitution by nine entities of the type denoted by the term's stem; as in enneandrous, enneafoliolate, enneastylous. |
enlarged |
size |
Unusually or unexpectedly large. |
endosperm |
= albumen |
A genetically triploid (3n chromosomes) nutritive tissue in a seed; containing stored carbohydrate and/or oil utilized by the embryo prior to and especially upon germination; derived from fusion of the two polar nuclei (n + n chromosomes) of the embryo sac with a sperm nucleus from the pollen tube (n chromosomes). See also perisperm. |
endophytic |
habit |
Growing within some portion of another, unrelated, living plant. |
endocarp |
The innermost tissue layer of a pericarp. |
endeca… |
= eleven-… |
prefix |
Indicating presence of or constitution by eleven entities of the type denoted by the term's stem; as in endecafoliolate, endecagynous. |
enation |
A relatively small outgrowth from an otherwise regular boundary or surface of a larger structure. |
emersed |
location |
structure of aquatic plant |
Above the water surface. |
emergent |
location |
plant, structure of aquatic plant |
Rising from beneath the water surface to a point above it. |
embryotega pl. embryotegae, embryotegas |
A small, hardened, lid-like portion of the testa (seed coat) at the micropyle of some seeds, detaching at germination. |
embryo sac |
< megagametophyte |
The multinucleate generative cell of an ovule, within which fertilization and zygote formation occur; resulting from meiotic division of a megaspore mother cell within the nucellus, and thus genetically haploid; its contents generally considered to represent an evolutionarily reduced gametophyte. |
embryo |
The rudimentary spermatophyte contained within a viable seed. |
emargination |
= notch |
A relatively small, acute sinus at the distal end of a laminar structure. |
emarginate |
= notched |
apex |
laminar structure |
Having a relatively small, acute, distal sinus. |
elongate |
plane shape |
Longer in one dimension than in any other. |
elongate |
solid shape |
Longer in one dimension than in any other. |
elliptic(al) 2 |
= oval |
plane shape |
Elongate, widest at the middle, and symmetrically convex-attenuate to rounded ends. See also oblong. |