suffused |
coloration |
Having two or more hues, shades, and/or intensities intermingled, the contrasting components distinguishable only submacroscopically. |
sulcate |
= colpate, fossulate, furrowed, grooved, valleculate |
architecture |
Having one or more elongate, relatively narrow and shallow depressions (sulci). |
sulcus pl. sulci |
= colpus, fossula, furrow, groove, vallecula |
An elongate depression that is relatively shallow and narrow. |
summer annual |
nominative |
plant |
Annual, germinating in spring or early summer, reproducing sexually with no prolonged vegetative stage beforehand, and dying by late summer or autumn. See also winter annual. |
sunken |
> immersed, impressed |
prominence |
Below the general level of the surrounding surface. |
superaxillary |
insertion |
Internodal but close to and directly above the axil(s). |
superaxillary |
position |
Internodal but close to and directly above the axil(s). |
superficial |
= surficial |
insertion |
Directly upon the surface of the structure in point. |
superficial |
= surficial |
position |
Directly upon the surface of the structure in point. |
superior 1 |
insertion |
indusium |
Inserted at or near the apex of the sorus, distal to the sporangia. |
superior 2 |
position |
ovary |
Not enclosed to any degree by a floral tube casing, the perianth and/or androecium thus arising beneath (proximal to) it. |
superposed 1 |
arrangement |
Approximate to congested, inserted directly above and below one another. |
superposed 2 |
insertion |
buds |
Axillary in pairs, one member of each pair directly above the other. |
superposed 2 |
position |
buds |
Axillary in pairs, one member of each pair directly above the other. |
supervolute |
vernation |
Each with one side rolled adaxially inward from the margin and enveloped by the abaxially rolled opposite side. |
supine |
= procumbent, prostrate, trailing |
habit |
axis |
Lying directly upon the substrate over its entire length. |
supple |
= flexible, pliable, pliant |
texture |
Able to bend over its length and/or breadth without structural disruption. |
suprabasal |
insertion |
Just above the base of the structure in point. |
suprabasal |
position |
Just above the base of the structure in point. |
suprabracteal |
insertion |
Upon the axes, each directly above (distal to) and very near a point of bract insertion. |
suprabracteal |
position |
Upon the axes, each directly above (distal to) and very near a point of bract insertion. |
suprafoliar |
insertion |
Upon the stems, each directly above (distal to) and very near a point of leaf insertion. |
suprafoliar |
position |
Upon the stems, each directly above (distal to) and very near a point of leaf insertion. |
supramedial |
insertion |
Just above the middle of the structure in point. |
supramedial |
position |
Just above the middle of the structure in point. |