sectile |
architecture |
pollinium |
Having partially separated sectors, as though cut. |
secund 1 |
architecture |
inflorescence |
Having the pedicels oriented such that the main bodies of all the flowers lie to one side of the bearing axis. |
secund 2 |
architecture |
stem |
Having the petioles oriented such that the main bodies of all the leaves lie to one side of the bearing stem. |
seed |
A mature or ripened ovule containing an embryonic sporophyte and a nutritive tissue (endosperm or perisperm) with stored food that sustains the initial growth of the embryo upon germination, except when such food reserve is stored instead in the cotyledon(s) of the embryo itself, these enclosed by one or two integuments (the testa), the whole serving as a propagule. A fertile seed (one containing a viable embryo) normally results from sexual fertilization of an egg by a sperm; however, fertile seeds are sometimes produced asexually by apomictic processes (e.g., parthenogenesis). |
seed coat |
= testa |
The outer protective layer of a seed, developed from the ovular integument(s). |
seed leaf |
= cotyledon |
Any of the one or more primary foliar structures of an embryonic seed plant, proximal to all succeeding leaf primordia; sometimes serving as a storage organ for food reserves in the seed, as in peas and beans. |
seedling |
A plant in the first stages of its growth following emergence from the seed. |
segment |
? division, lobe |
Any generally convex, major peripheral protrusion or component sector that is delimited by concavities in the surface or margin and that is not proximally distinct from the remainder of the whole. |
segmented |
? cleft, dissected, divided, lobed, lobate, parted, partite |
plane shape |
Having two or more major component sectors or peripheral protrusions that are delimited by concavities in the surface or margin and that are not proximally distinct from the remainder of the whole. The meanings of this term and its approximate synonyms sometimes have been supposed to differ according to the depth of the delimiting concavities relative to the midline or midpoint of the overall structure, and/or to the shape or proportions of the protusions or sectors; however, there has been little consistency in the applications of the various terms according to such distinctions, which are ones only of degree and are necessarily arbitrary in any case. In general usage, these terms differ only indistinctly and connotatively: cleft, lobed (or lobate), parted (or partite) and segmented tend to connote fewer protrusions or sectors; lobate usually connotes as well a generally rounded shape; dissected tends to connote more numerous sectors that are elongate and angular. See also cut (incised, lacerate, torn), laciniate (slashed). |
segmented |
? cleft, dissected, divided, lobed, lobate, parted, partite |
solid shape |
Having two or more major component sectors or peripheral protrusions that are delimited by concavities in the surface or margin and that are not proximally distinct from the remainder of the whole. The meanings of this term and its approximate synonyms sometimes have been supposed to differ according to the depth of the delimiting concavities relative to the midline or midpoint of the overall structure, and/or to the shape or proportions of the protusions or sectors; however, there has been little consistency in the applications of the various terms according to such distinctions, which are ones only of degree and are necessarily arbitrary in any case. In general usage, these terms differ only indistinctly and connotatively: cleft, lobed (or lobate), parted (or partite) and segmented tend to connote fewer protrusions or sectors; lobate usually connotes as well a generally rounded shape; dissected tends to connote more numerous sectors that are elongate and angular. See also cut (incised, lacerate, torn), laciniate (slashed). |
self-fertilizing |
= autogamous, automictic, idiogamous, selfing; > geitonogamous |
reproduction |
taxon |
Having fertilization regularly involving gametes derived from the same plant. |
selfing |
= autogamous, automictic, idiogamous, self-fertilizing; > geitonogamous |
reproduction |
taxon |
Having fertilization regularly involving gametes derived from the same plant. |
sellaeform |
solid shape |
See selliform. |
selliform var. sellaeform |
= saddle-shaped |
solid shape |
Relatively thin, broad and long, strongly compound-curved, concavely from end to end and convexly from side to side; like the generalized shape of a saddle. |
semicircular |
arrangement |
bundle scars |
Forming an incomplete circle, like the letter C. |
semicraspedodromous |
venation |
Having a single median primary vein that branches to either side along the length of the lamina, each secondary vein running thence toward and bifurcate near the margin, one branch terminating at the margin, the other upwardly arcuate and merging with the superadjacent secondary vein, thus forming one of a series of marginal loops. |
semielliptic |
arrangement |
bundle scars |
Forming an incomplete ellipsis, like the letter U. |
semiobterete |
= half-obterete |
solid shape |
Inversely semiterete; obterete but flattened on one side. |
semistalked |
= subsessile |
architecture |
structure |
Almost stalkless; having a very short, somewhat indistinct stalk. |
semiterete |
= half-terete |
solid shape |
Terete but flattened on one side. |
sepal |
One of the one or more constituent members of a calyx; usually green and leaf-like, but sometimes with color and/or texture otherwise, sometimes petaloid; may be distinct or else connate with one or more others and/or may be free or else adnate to one or more other floral structures. |
sepal-like |
= sepaloid |
architecture |
structure |
Resembling a sepal in shape, texture and color. |
sepaloid |
= sepal-like |
architecture |
structure |
Resembling a sepal in shape, texture and color. |
septal |
insertion |
Upon or otherwise directly associated with the septum or septa. |
septal |
position |
Upon or otherwise directly associated with the septum or septa. |