eradicate |
= rootless |
architecture |
plant |
Lacking a root. |
eramous |
= unbranched |
architecture |
axis, laminar vein |
Not branching at any point. |
erect |
orientation |
Perpendicular to the horizon or to the general plane of a bearing structure. |
eroded |
= erose |
relief |
Having rough, very irregular depressions throughout. |
erose 1 |
margin |
Having rough, very irregular depressions throughout. |
erose 2 |
= eroded |
relief |
Appearing as if chewed or gnawed; having very irregular localized deviations from its generalized line. |
estipulate |
= exstipulate |
architecture |
leaf |
Lacking stipules. |
eucamptodromous |
venation |
Having a single median primary vein that branches to either side along the length of the lamina, the secondary veins upwardly arcuate, gradually becoming indistinct interior to the margin, and serially interconnected by cross-branches without formation of marginal loops. |
eusporangiate |
reproduction |
Having relatively large sporangia each of which develops from a group of initial cells that, by periclinal divisions, give rise to an outer layer of primary cells and an inner layer of sporogenous cells; in Psilotophyta, Lycopodiophyta, Equisetophyta, and some Polypodiophyta. |
even-pinnate |
= paripinnate |
architecture |
foliaceous structure |
Compound with each order pinnate and comprising an even number of members, none truly terminal. |
evening-blooming |
= vespertine |
habit |
flower |
Opening during the evening. |
evergreen |
habit |
plant |
Perennial and bearing some viable leaves at all times during the yearly cycle. |
exalate 1 |
= wingless |
architecture |
Lacking elongate, relatively thin protrusions or appendages that resemble wings. |
exalate 2 |
= wingless |
architecture |
pollen grain |
Lacking lateral lobes or enations that resemble sacs or somewhat inflated wings. |
excavate(d) |
= hollow |
architecture |
axis |
Having pith tissue absent or disintegrating prior to axial maturity, resulting in an uninterrupted cavity running the length of the axis. Semantically, this term and its synonym refer to the axis, not to the pith itself, although the latter application has been traditional. |
excurrent |
architecture |
axis, laminar vein |
Branching laterally such that the initial axis retains its prominence over the length of the structure, the succesive orders of branches relatively smaller. See also deliquescent. |
exfoliating |
relief |
bark |
Shallowly and distantly fissured, falling away in thin, relatively large patches or sheets. |
exindusiate |
architecture |
sorus |
Lacking an indusium. |
exocarp |
= epicarp |
The outermost tissue layer of a pericarp. |
exogamous |
= allogamous, allomictic, cross-fertilizing, xenogamous |
reproduction |
taxon |
Having fertilization regularly involving gametes derived from different plants. |
explosive |
dehiscence |
Opening abruptly with almost instantaneous aperture formation and release of accumulated structural tensions, the contents thus forcibly expelled. |
exsert(ed) |
position |
anther, style |
Protruding beyond the floral envelope. See also included. |
exstipitate |
= sessile, stalkless, unstalked |
architecture |
structure |
Lacking a stalk, thus inserted ("sitting") directly upon the bearing structure. |
exstipulate |
= estipulate |
architecture |
leaf |
Lacking stipules. |
extent |
Reach of the septum or septa within the ovary or fruit, relative to the ovary wall or pericarp and its center. |