inaperturate |
architecture |
pollen grain |
Lacking an aperture of any type. |
husk |
A more or less dry, hard or fibrous, simple or compound enclosure or outer layer of a seed, fruit or inflorescence. |
secund 1 |
architecture |
inflorescence |
Having the pedicels oriented such that the main bodies of all the flowers lie to one side of the bearing axis. |
cladodromous |
venation |
Having a single median primary vein that branches to either side along its length, the secondary veins running thence toward the margin, but freely ramifying and becoming indistinct before reaching it. |
involucre 2 |
One or more closely proximate whorls, or a compact spiral, of bracts (phyllaries) surrounding (proximal to) the compound receptacle (torus) and florets of a capitulum (head); in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
chalaza pl. chalazae, chalazas |
The basal (proximal) portion of an ovule, adjacent to its junction with the funiculus. |
shoot 1 |
Collectively, all those portions of a plant body that are anatomically distinct from the root, the component axes differentiated into nodes and internodes, and branching exogenously from the former. |
septifragal |
dehiscence |
fruit |
Splitting through the exterior wall suture(s) but not the septum(-a), the valves of the wall then separating from the septum(-a) and the locules thus opened directly to the outside. |
collar 1 |
The free portion (if any) of a floral tube, distal to its casing and/or neck when one or both is/are present. |
lumen pl. lumina |
A space enclosed by the wall(s) or membrane(s) of a structure. |
spicate |
architecture |
inflorescence |
Comprising one or more spikes. |
costal |
position |
Upon or otherwise directly associated with the costa(e) of a laminar structure. |
lineolate 1 |
coloration |
Finely lineate, the lines short and often irregularly oriented. |
microphyllous |
architecture |
plant |
Bearing microphylls. |
cyathium pl. cyathia |
nominative |
inflorescence |
Resembling a single flower, the unbranched axis very short with a terminal pistillate flower and several lateral staminate flowers, the whole subtended and to some degree enclosed by a cupulate envelope of bracts, the flowers diminutive and presumed to be evolutionarily reduced; characteristic of Euphorbia. |
maturation |
Timing of the attainment of functional maturity, sometimes relative to other structures, sometimes as to constituent structures relative to each other. |
subpetiolar |
insertion |
Just below the point of petiole insertion. |
diffuse |
architecture |
plant, stem |
Having branches remote and divergent to divaricate. |
symmetric(al) 1 |
plane shape |
Divisible into essentially equal halves along one or more lines or planes. |
obturbinate |
solid shape |
Inversely turbinate (top-shaped). See also pyriform (pear-shaped). |
drupaceous |
architecture |
fruit |
Having the structure and texture of a drupe. |
tepal |
Any member of an undifferentiated perianth; may be green and foliaceous or colored and petaloid, distinct or else connate with one or more others, and/or free or else adnate with one or more other floral structures. |
elongate |
solid shape |
Longer in one dimension than in any other. |
pepo |
nominative |
fruit |
Like a berry but derived from a single, inferior, compound ovary, with accessory floral-tube tissue adnate to the pericarp, having a relatively thin, hard or leathery rind and a thicker, fleshy inner wall that surrounds a mass of seeds; esp. in Cucurbitaceae. |
plicate 1 |
aestivation |
Valvate with each member strongly infolded longitudinally. |