integumentary |
derivation |
aril |
Produced from or a modification of one or both seed integuments. |
indument |
See indumentum. |
lacuna pl. lacunae |
A hole or cavity; an empty space surrounded by tissue in two or three dimensions. |
jacket cell |
Any of the cells forming the portion of an antheridial wall between the basal cells and the cap cell(s). |
soboliferous |
architecture |
plant |
Having several, loosely clumped, principal stems that arise from a common underground stem system, each distinct above ground level. |
silique |
nominative |
fruit |
Dry, septifragal, two-loculed and derived from a single, superior, compound ovary; much longer than broad; dehiscing along two sutures, one adaxial, one abaxial, leaving a single persistent septum (replum) after the two valves of the pericarp have fallen away; esp. in Brassicaceae (Cruciferae), Capparaceae. See also silicle. |
spur 1 |
A hollow protrusion from a calyx or corolla, often nectariferous. |
apocarpous |
architecture |
flower, gynoecium |
Having two or more simple pistils (carpels). |
spinose 1 |
apex |
Terminating in a rigid, tapering, sharp continuation of the central primary vein. See also spinulose. |
stipule |
Any distinct, relatively diminutive, more or less foliaceous structure inserted on a stem alongside a petiole, or on a petiole near its base, and ontogenetically closely associated with the leaf; usually occurring as one of a pair disposed one to either side of the petiole. |
mixed-craspedodromous |
venation |
Having a midvein that branches to either side along the length of the lamina, the secondary veins running thence toward the margin, some becoming indistinct before reaching it, others terminating there. |
cypsela pl. cypselae |
nominative |
fruit |
Like an achene but derived from an inferior, bicarpellate ovary and with accessory perianth tissue adnate to the pericarp; esp. in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
bud scale |
A scale that, alone or aggregated with others, envelops and protects a bud. |
stylopodium pl. stylopodia |
A discoid enlargement at the base of the styles; esp. in Apiaceae (Umbelliferae). |
diplostemonous |
architecture |
flower, androecium |
Having the stamens dicyclic, the proximal whorl with members directly above the sepals, the distal whorl with members directly above the petals. See also obdiplostemonous. |
ovary |
The proximal portion of a pistil (either simple or compound) within which the ovules are borne; usually of somewhat greater diameter and/or volume than the remainder of the pistil. |
cauline |
insertion |
Upon, arising from, or otherwise directly associated with the stem. |
emersed |
location |
structure of aquatic plant |
Above the water surface. |
oil-secreting |
exudation |
Producing and exuding an oily substance, often aromatic; when oil-secreting glands are indicated in the nominative, often they are called simply oil glands. |
suprabracteal |
position |
Upon the axes, each directly above (distal to) and very near a point of bract insertion. |
tillering |
architecture |
plant, stem |
Producing tillers; esp. in Poaceae (Gramineae) and other monocotyledons (Liliidae). |
exfoliating |
relief |
bark |
Shallowly and distantly fissured, falling away in thin, relatively large patches or sheets. |
umbo pl. umbines, umbos |
A relatively small, rounded or conical, central protrusion upon an essentially round, broad face. |
epipterous |
solid shape |
Alate with a single terminal wing. |
tuberous 2 |
architecture |
structure |
Resembling a tuber in shape and texture, but not ontogenetically such; esp. roots. |