micropyle |
The small pore in the integuments of an ovule at its apex, through which the pollen tube grows; or the corresponding aperture or scar in the coat of the seed that develops subsequently. |
subpetiolar |
position |
Just below the point of petiole insertion. |
asymmetric(al) 1 |
architecture |
Not divisible into essentially equal halves along any line or plane. |
strict |
course |
Lacking any curve or bend. |
symmetric(al) 1 |
solid shape |
Divisible into essentially equal halves along one or more lines or planes. |
acrodromous |
venation |
Having two or more primary and/or strongly developed secondary veins that diverge at or above the laminar base and are thence convergently arcuate toward the apex, reaching it or not. |
superior 1 |
insertion |
indusium |
Inserted at or near the apex of the sorus, distal to the sporangia. |
barb 2 |
A trichome terminated by one or two small, relatively short, stiff, sharp, acutely reflexed appendages. |
obconic(al) |
solid shape |
Transversely round, essentially triangular in median longitudinal section, and broadest distally; inversely conic(al) (cone-shaped). |
palinactinodromous |
venation |
Compound actinodromous, with higher-order branch radiations above the level of and similar to the primary one. |
allagostemonous |
architecture |
flower, androecium |
Having the stamens inserted alternately upon petals and the receptacle. |
epidermal cell |
Any of the unspecialized cells of an epidermis; i.e., any other than stomatal guard cells or cells directly associated with trichomes. While the latter specialized cells are also properly epidermal cells, they are treated separately for descriptive purposes and, for the sake of convenience, use of the general term is restricted to the unspecialized cells that constitute the bulk of an epidermis. |
percurrent 1 |
architecture |
primary or secondary laminar veins |
Running through the entire length of the lamina (blade), or all the way to its margin. |
false |
derivation |
indusium |
Constituting a marginal fold of the lamina as a whole and not a distinct enation from the epidermis. |
foliar |
position |
Upon or otherwise directly associated with the leaves. |
andropetalous 2 |
derivation |
flower, perianth, corolla |
Having some or all petals derived from stamens. |
flesh |
Tissue that is fairly firm and dense, juicy or at least moist, and easily cut. |
prothallus pl. prothalli |
A very diminutive thallus that is reproductively mature and undergoes no further growth; in Polypodiophyta, Pinophyta. |
gemma pl. gemmae |
A vegetative propagule by which a gametophyte reproduces asexually; produced by a process analogous to budding, from a more or less cupulate specialized area (gemmae cup) on the surface of the plant body (thallus); in Psilotophyta, Lycopodiophyta, Equisetophyta, Polypodiophyta. |
architecture |
Composite structural configuration as to type, orientation, symmetry, insertion, position, fusion, presence, number, relative size, shape, texture, differentiation, and/or derivation of components and features. Overlaps conceptually with habit. |
praemorse |
apex |
Truncate with the distal margin irregular or ragged, as if chewed. |
rhipidiate |
architecture |
inflorescence |
Comprising one or more rhipidia. |
canalicular |
position |
Upon or otherwise directly associated with the channel of a petiole or petiolule. |
reduced |
size |
Unusually or unexpectedly small. |
heartwood |
The senescent inner or central portion of the wood (xylem) of an older stem or root, its cells no longer living, in which conduction has ceased and primary reserve materials are no longer stored; often containing terminal metabolic products; usually darker in color than the living, conducting sapwood that encircles it. |