vallecular |
position |
In or otherwise directly associated with the valleculae; esp. in fruits of Apiaceae (Umbelliferae). |
pseudoterminal |
insertion |
Only apparently terminal; originally subapical but displaced toward the apex by differential growth during development. |
prolate |
plane shape |
Symmetrically elongate parallel to the developmental or polar axis. |
hemiepiphytic |
habit |
plant |
Partially epiphytic; rooted in the ground but with stems growing upon and supported mainly by other plants. |
fusion |
Physical connection of equivalent or dissimilar structural entities (as recognized on evolutionary, morphological, anatomical, ontogenetic, and/or topological grounds). Terms that denote the interconnection of equivalent structures are predicated on a single collective subject and suffice in themselves to describe the condition; e.g., "sepals connate." However, those that denote the connection of dissimilar structures require explicit notation of each type of structure involved, in either a compound-subject construction or else a single-subject/object-of-preposition construction; e.g., "stamens and corolla adnate" or "stamens adnate to corolla." Qualifying detail is sometimes appropriate; e.g., "filaments connate basally," "filaments adnate to the petals over their lower halves." |
bract 2 (strict sense) |
Any primary or first-order lateral structure ontogenetically and anatomically analogous with, and therefore presumably homologous with, but relatively smaller than, a leaf, especially when subtending an inflorescence, other reproductive structure, or portion thereof; putatively, an evolutionarily reduced leaf. |
ribbed 2 |
solid shape |
Having two or more prominent, elongate, relatively narrow, essentially parallel protrusions that extend over all or most of its length or circumference. |
homogamous 1 |
maturation |
bisexual flower |
Having the androecium and gynoecium become functionally mature concurrently. |
calyptriform |
solid shape |
Hollow, roughly circular in cross-section, broader and open distally, and tapering to a closed apex, like a candle snuffer or elongate hood. |
internodal |
position |
Upon or otherwise directly associated with the internodes. |
sawtooth |
One of a series of regularly spaced, angular, marginal convexities oriented at an acute angle to the generalized perimeter of a laminar structure. See also sawtoothlet, scallop (crena), scalloplet (crenule), tooth, toothlet. |
indusiate |
architecture |
sorus |
Having an indusium. |
laesura pl. laesurae |
An elongate aperture in the proximal face of a spore at or near its pole, coterminous with a tetrad scar; in Psilotophyta, Lycopodiophyta, Equisetophyta, Polypodiophyta. Depending upon tetrad configuration and resultant scar pattern, a laesura may be either unbranched or branched, the branches when present (usually 3) radiating from the pole and of approximately equal lengths. |
solid shape |
Overall three-dimensional form or aspect(s) thereof. Overlaps conceptually with architecture, arrangement, habit, insertion, orientation, position, relief, and texture (as to thickness). |
simple 2 |
architecture |
trichome |
Unicellular and unbranched. |
connate-perfoliate |
architecture |
opposite laminar structures |
Having the bases in each pair fused and together encircling the bearing axis. See also amplexicaulous, perfoliate. |
spinulose |
apex |
Finely spinose. |
location |
Position with respect to aspects of environmental context. |
coronal |
insertion |
Upon or otherwise directly associated with the corona. |
deciduous 1 |
duration |
structure |
Separating and falling away from the bearing axis, organ or plant prior to senescence of the latter, usually by developing an anatomically distinct, transverse, basal zone of cells (abcission layer), where separation occurs. See also seasonally deciduous. |
oblate |
plane shape |
Symmetrically elongate and broader than long perpendicular to the developmental or polar axis. |
acrodromous |
venation |
Having two or more primary and/or strongly developed secondary veins that diverge at or above the laminar base and are thence convergently arcuate toward the apex, reaching it or not. |
tertiary vein |
A strand belonging to the third order of vasculature in a leaf or other basically laminar structure, except when that is the ultimate order (consisting of veinlets); branching from a primary or secondary vein. See also costa, lateral vein, primary vein, rib, secondary vein, veinlet. |
disc 1 var. disk |
Any distinct, annular to discoid structure produced from or borne upon a floral receptacle between or basal to any of the sets of floral organs; usually fleshy, often nectariferous. |
apiculate |
apex |
Terminating abruptly in a short, slender, angular tip that is not notably harder or stiffer than the main body of the structure. See also mucronate, mucronulate. |