tetradynamous |
architecture |
flower, androecium |
Diadelphous with four stamens in one set and two in the other. See also didynamous. |
taprooted |
architecture |
plant |
Having a taproot. See also diffuse-rooted, fibrous-rooted. |
amphimictic |
reproduction |
taxon, plant |
Reproducing sexually. |
elater 1 |
An elongate cell with a helical, hygroscopic thickening in its wall, contained within a sporangium, expanding and contracting with changes in humidity and aiding dispersal of the spores; esp. in Hepaticae. |
extrorse |
dehiscence |
anther |
Opening outwardly, on the abaxial side. See also introrse, latrorse. |
apiculate |
apex |
Terminating abruptly in a short, slender, angular tip that is not notably harder or stiffer than the main body of the structure. See also mucronate, mucronulate. |
erect |
orientation |
Perpendicular to the horizon or to the general plane of a bearing structure. |
anisosepalous |
architecture |
flower, perianth, calyx |
Having sepals unequal in size and/or shape. |
flaccid |
texture |
Limp, sometimes appearing withered or shrunken. See also tumid (swollen, turgid). |
perulate |
architecture |
bud |
Having outer scales that enclose and protect the embryonic components, from which they differ significantly in texture, shape, size, relief and/or vestiture. See also naked. |
fibrous |
texture |
Having tough, woody or sclerotic strands distributed through a softer matrix. |
…porate |
architecture |
pollen grain |
Having the number of pores indicated by the prefix; as in monoporate, polyporate, triporate. |
vascular bundle |
A discrete strand of conducting tissues (xylem, phloem) and associated cells (e.g., cambium) within a stem or other axial structure. |
racemose |
architecture |
inflorescence |
Comprising one or more racemes. |
gynandrous |
architecture |
flower |
Having the androecium adnate to the gynoecium. |
runcinate |
plane shape |
Basically obovate with a series of retrorse, acute lobes on either side, these diminishing in size toward the base. |
root 1 |
Collectively, all those portions of a plant body that are anatomically distinct from the shoot, the component axes not differentiated into nodes and internodes, and branching endogenously. |
intruded |
placentation |
Upon partial septa excrescent from the wall of a compound, unilocular ovary. |
involucel |
One or more closely proximate whorls of bractlets (bracteoles, prophylls) immediately subtending (below or outside) a subordinate portion of an inflorescence that is subtended as a whole by an involucre, the bractlets often leaf-like, sometimes petaloid. |
infrafoliar |
position |
Upon the stem directly below a leaf insertion. |
sheath (leaf) |
The lower (basal or proximal), fundamentally laminar but strongly involute portion of one of the non-petiolate leaves characteristic of most monocotyledons (Liliidae); distinct from the leaf blade, which, when present, is borne distally upon it; analogous, though not necessarily homologous, with a petiole; usually more or less completely enclosing a portion of the stem above the node from which the leaf is borne. |
laminate |
architecture |
foliaceous structure |
Having an expanded, more or less planate, distal portion (lamina or blade). |
cochlear |
aestivation |
Imbricate with one member larger than and exterior to the others, parallel to one that is internal to all the others, strongly incurved, and enclosing the others. |
corymb |
nominative |
inflorescence |
An indeterminate, more or less condensed raceme with the pedicels progressively shorter toward the distal end, the flowers all borne at approximately the same level, the whole generally plane or convex at the top, the flowers maturing from the edge inward (i.e., the proximal or outer flowers maturing first). |
limb 2 |
The portion of the corolla of a bisexual or staminate disc floret distal to the level of filament insertion; in Asteraceae (Compositae). |