plated |
relief |
bark |
Fissured in a more or less regular, anastomosing pattern with distinct, relatively large, undisturbed sectors intervening, the latter ultimately falling away more or less intact after attaining considerable thickness. |
grumous |
solid shape |
Having an external aspect like a cluster of grains, basically convex overall. |
puberulent |
pubescence |
Finely pubescent in the restricted sense of that term. |
resin |
A substance of high molecular weight consisting of organic acids, esters, and/or terpenes, produced within plant tissue and exuded from wounds as a liquid that hardens to an amorphous glassy state upon exposure. |
anisophyllous |
architecture |
plant, axis |
Heterophyllous and bearing leaves of two or more distinct sizes or shapes on the same plants. |
herbaceous 1 |
habit |
plant |
Having no significant degree of secondary growth in any part of the shoot, which thus does not develop woody (lignified) tissue. |
raphe |
That portion of the funicle adnate to the integument of an anatropous ovule; represented by a longitudinal ridge or other discontinuity in the surface and/or color of the testa on one side of the mature seed. |
arillate |
architecture |
seed |
Having an aril. |
hyponastic |
development |
laminar structure |
Having the abaxial surface differentiating and growing faster than the adaxial surface, thus, until maturity, development of the former more advanced than the latter at any given time and the structure as a whole involute or incurved. |
interrupted 2 |
architecture |
inflorescence |
Having one or more gaps in an otherwise uniform distribution of flowers or branch units along the main axis. |
coherent |
fusion |
equivalent structures |
Joined superficially, with no significant histological continuity. |
inflexed |
orientation |
Bent adaxially at some point along its length. |
lamellate |
apex |
laminar structure |
Having two small terminal plates of tissue closely parallel to one another and perpendicular to the plane of the lamina. |
convolute 2 |
arrangement |
cotyledons |
Each rolled or folded inward longitudinally, one enveloping the other. |
spathaceous 1 |
architecture |
plant, inflorescence |
Bearing a spathe or spathes. |
ligule 3 |
A relatively small, attenuate, membranous, laminar enation from the adaxial surface of a leaf near its base; in Selaginella, Isoetes. |
muticous |
apex |
Lacking a distinct terminal point (when one might be expected). |
supramedial |
insertion |
Just above the middle of the structure in point. |
decumbent |
habit |
axis |
Reclining upon the substrate proximally, ascending to erect distally. |
oblong 1 |
plane shape |
Compressed-elliptic, the sides approximately parallel from near one end to near the other. See also elliptic(al) (oval). |
acropetal |
development |
Proceeding toward the apex, thus more advanced basally or proximally than apically or distally within a given frame of reference. |
dorsifixed |
fixation |
Attached on the abaxial side well above the base. |
nodulose |
solid shape |
Diminutively nodose; esp. roots of Fabaceae (Leguminosae), the nodules harboring nitrogen-fixing bacteria. |
barbellulate |
architecture |
Bearing one or more barbellules (barbellulae). |
autotrophic |
nutrition |
plant |
Independent of other organisms for its nourishment, itself synthesizing all essential substances not directly available from the non-living environment. |