sheath (leaf) |
The lower (basal or proximal), fundamentally laminar but strongly involute portion of one of the non-petiolate leaves characteristic of most monocotyledons (Liliidae); distinct from the leaf blade, which, when present, is borne distally upon it; analogous, though not necessarily homologous, with a petiole; usually more or less completely enclosing a portion of the stem above the node from which the leaf is borne. |
laminate |
architecture |
foliaceous structure |
Having an expanded, more or less planate, distal portion (lamina or blade). |
cochlear |
aestivation |
Imbricate with one member larger than and exterior to the others, parallel to one that is internal to all the others, strongly incurved, and enclosing the others. |
corymb |
nominative |
inflorescence |
An indeterminate, more or less condensed raceme with the pedicels progressively shorter toward the distal end, the flowers all borne at approximately the same level, the whole generally plane or convex at the top, the flowers maturing from the edge inward (i.e., the proximal or outer flowers maturing first). |
apetalous |
architecture |
flower, perianth |
Lacking petals. |
limb 2 |
The portion of the corolla of a bisexual or staminate disc floret distal to the level of filament insertion; in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
size |
Nature as to absolute or comparative extent in any one dimension or in area or volume. |
…angular 1 |
arrangement |
bundle scars |
Forming a figure with the number of sides indicated by the prefix. |
square |
plane shape |
Equilaterally rectangular. |
margin |
Configuration of all or part of the periphery of a planate structure, sometimes referred to as though it were discrete and an entity in its own right for descriptive purposes. The extent of the area considered to pertain to the margin in a given case is, of necessity, subjectively determined. As a general rule, peripheral concavities that do not exceed 1/5 the distance from the generalized edge to the center or main axis of the structure are considered components of marginal configuration, deeper concavities being considered components of overall shape. The margin is sometimes considered to be only the infinitely thin boundary itself, and such a definition is probably the one most technically correct from the standpoint of geometry and general usage. However, it is inconsistent with traditional usage in descriptive botany, which treats the margin as an entity of substance both semantically and conceptually. The semantic antecedent of some descriptors is "margin," whereas the antecedent of others is the structure as a whole (e.g., leaf). |
dichlamydeous |
architecture |
flower |
Having a perianth differentiated into a distinct calyx (sepals) and corolla (petals). |
…morphic |
architecture |
Existing within the taxon in the number of distinct structural states indicated by the prefix, the states segregated in different sets of plants or not; as in monomorphic, polymorphic, trimorphic. |
barbellate |
architecture |
Bearing one or more barbels. |
dehiscent |
dehiscence |
Splitting or forming one or more apertures at maturity, the contents thereby released for dispersal. |
obterete |
solid shape |
Inversely terete. |
texture |
Substantial properties. Overlaps conceptually with solid shape, as to thickness. |
disk |
See disc. |
ephemeral |
duration |
plant |
Annual with a very short life span; germinating, growing, reproducing, and dying within a brief period of favorable conditions, the entire cycle being completed within a few weeks. |
elater 2 |
An elongate, flattened, hygroscopic enation from a spore, straightening upon desiccation and aiding transport by air; esp. in Equisetaceae. |
peloric |
architecture |
corolla |
Regular when the usual condition in the taxon is irregular. |
exudation |
Discharged substance, as to type. |
petal |
One of the one or more constituent members of a corolla; colored and showy in many taxa, inconspicuous in size and/or color in others; may be distinct or else connate with one or more others, and/or may be free or else adnate to one or more other floral structures. |
vexillate |
aestivation |
Having a larger member oriented more or less perpendicular to and folded about the others. |
flagellum pl. flagella |
A very slender whip-like structure that extends from the main body of an antherozoid and, by active undulation, propels the cell through a liquid medium. |
prop-rooted |
architecture |
plant |
Bearing and buttressed by prop roots. |