radical |
position |
Upon, arising from, or otherwise directly associated with the root. |
haft |
The narrow portion of a structure that is notably constricted. |
rhizoid |
Any structure that is similar to a root in appearance and function but that is not a true root ontogenetically and anatomically, especially one produced from a gametophyte thallus. |
hilum 2 pl. hila |
The more or less central point within a starch grain of intracellular origin, about which the successive layers of starch were accreted more or less symmetrically. |
architecture |
Composite structural configuration as to type, orientation, symmetry, insertion, position, fusion, presence, number, relative size, shape, texture, differentiation, and/or derivation of components and features. Overlaps conceptually with habit. |
included |
position |
anther, style |
Not protruding beyond the floral envelope. See also exsert(ed). |
hygroscopic |
architecture |
structure |
Increasing or decreasing in size according to the presence or absence of surrounding moisture, due to differential swelling or shrinking of component anatomical structures. |
irregular 1 |
architecture |
perianth, calyx, corolla |
Imperfectly actinomorphic, the constituents disposed symmetrically but unequal in size and/or shape. See also peloric. |
scape |
A leafless, essentially naked, inflorescence-bearing stem (or peduncle) arising directly from a caudex or rhizome, its point of insertion slightly beneath, at, or slightly above the substrate surface. |
lateral |
insertion |
To, toward, at, or upon a side, not apical or basal. |
coloration |
Hue(s), intensity(ies), and/or pattern (if any) of coloring. When more than one hue and/or intensity is involved, a term describing the pattern of contrast will be applicable, and the description as a whole should be phrased to indicate the particular role of each in the pattern; e.g., "ovaries striate, yellow on green"; "petals pink, spotted yellow basally"; "sepals green, suffused with red". |
spicy |
odor |
Pleasantly pungent, reminiscent of spices. |
spike |
nominative |
inflorescence |
An elongate, determinate or usually indeterminate axis bearing sessile flowers inserted singly along it, unbranched or sometimes bearing lateral branches of the same nature. |
cotyliform |
solid shape |
perianth, calyx, corolla |
Having a short, relatively broad, cupulate tube and a well differentiated, erect limb. See also cyathiform, urceolate (urn-shaped). |
stilt root |
A relatively stout or strong adventitious root arising from a woody stem branch and extending downward directly toward the substrate, within which it ultimately becomes anchored, thus supporting the branch of origin; as in some Ficus (Moraceae). |
corm |
A short, thickened, solid, usually subterranean, sometimes fleshy stem base containing stored carbohydrates and serving as a perennating organ. |
basal cell |
Any of the ring of cells forming the lowermost (proximal) portion of an antheridial wall. |
striped |
coloration |
Having one or more elongate, relatively narrow and, when multiple, more or less parallel, areas of contrasting hue and/or intensity. |
mucronulate |
apex |
Finely mucronate. See also apiculate. |
synandrous |
architecture |
flower, androecium |
Having the stamens connate. |
superposed 2 |
position |
buds |
Axillary in pairs, one member of each pair directly above the other. |
bigeminate |
architecture |
foliaceous structure |
Compound with two orders of leaflets, each order bifoliolate. |
throat 2 |
The fully connate portion of the limb of a disc floret, proximal to the lobes (distinct distal portions of the petals); in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
divergent |
arrangement |
Directed at individually different angles from a common point or relatively limited zone of origin, thus farther apart distally than proximally. |
palmatifid |
plane shape |
Palmately lobate; having three or more lobes whose longitudinal axes radiate from a common point. |