prophyllar |
position |
Upon or otherwise directly associated with the prophylls (bracteoles, bractlets). |
gynomonoecious |
reproduction |
taxon |
Having all plants with both bisexual flowers and pistillate ones. |
pulvinus pl. pulvini |
A short, cushion-like swelling at the junction of stem and leaf or of inflorescence axis and branch. |
revolute 1 |
margin |
Rolled inward abaxially. |
reclinate |
vernation |
Each with its blade oriented downward and parallel to the proximal portion of its distally recurved petiole. |
androgynous |
reproduction |
taxon |
Monoecious, each inflorescence having a distal sector with only staminate flowers and a proximal sector with only pistillate ones. |
imperfect |
architecture |
flower |
Having either stamens or pistils absent or non-functional, thus unisexual. |
involucrate 2 |
architecture |
capitulum (head) |
Having an involucre. |
aerial |
location |
Above ground or water level. |
infrapetiolar |
position |
bud |
Axillary and surrounded by the petiole base at maturity. |
septate 2 |
architecture |
trichome |
Unicellular to multicellular with transverse partitions (septa) that are common cell walls (intercellular) and/or intrusions from longitudinal cell walls (intracellular). |
coherent |
fusion |
equivalent structures |
Joined superficially, with no significant histological continuity. |
loose 2 |
texture |
Soft overall, discontinuously and only weakly cohesive. |
lineate 1 |
coloration |
Having very narrow, straight, clear or colored lines that contrast with the ground color. |
sterigma pl. sterigmata |
A portion of a lamina that is prolonged and adherent to the supporting axis beneath the point of vascular insertion. |
convolute 2 |
arrangement |
cotyledons |
Each rolled or folded inward longitudinally, one enveloping the other. |
microgametophyte |
A gametophyte whose fertile organs (gametangia) are all antheridia. |
cyathiate |
architecture |
inflorescence |
Comprising one or more cyathia. |
massula pl. massulae |
A body of coherent pollen grains, dispersed as a unit; esp. in Asclepiadaceae, Orchidaceae. |
subopposite |
arrangement |
Alternate but verging on opposite. |
nectar |
An aqueous exudate of high sugar content. |
calyculus 2 pl. calyculi |
Collectively the bractlets (bracteoles) sometimes subtending (beneath or outside) the involucre in a capitulum (head); in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
mucilage |
substance |
A slimy exudate. |
symbiotic |
nutrition |
plant |
Partially dependent for essential nourishment upon other living organisms that derive some reciprocal benefit from the relationship. |
superaxillary |
position |
Internodal but close to and directly above the axil(s). |