gland |
> nectary |
An anatomically distinct multicellular structure that produces and exudes a particular substance, or resembles those that do. |
glutinous 1 |
> mucilaginous, mucous, viscid |
coating |
Of a sticky or slimy substance. |
glutinous 2 |
> mucilaginous, mucous, viscid |
texture |
Sticky or slimy. |
schizocarp |
> loment |
nominative |
fruit |
Dry, dehiscent and with two or more locules; derived from a single, superior or inferior, compound ovary; with or without accessory tissue; splitting between locules to yield separate, individually indehiscent, usually one-seeded segments (cocci or mericarps). |
viny |
> lianous |
habit |
plant |
Having elongate, herbaceous or ligneous stems that are flexible at least initially and that clamber, climb or trail. |
vine |
> liana |
nominative |
plant |
Perennial, with elongate, herbaceous or ligneous stems that are flexible at least initially and that clamber, climb or trail. |
scale 2 |
> lepis, squama, squamella, squamule; < trichome |
A planate trichome. |
scaly 1 |
> lepidote, squamate, squamellose, squamose |
pubescence |
Bearing scales [squamae (lepides) or squamellae]. |
cottony |
> lanuginose |
pubescence |
Of or bearing relatively long and fine, intertwined, somewhat matted, capillate trichomes. See also lanuginose. |
woolly |
> lanate |
pubescence |
Of or bearing relatively long, moderately stout, intertwined, somewhat matted, capillate trichomes. |
nodal |
> interpetiolar |
insertion |
Upon or associated with the nodes. |
nodal |
> interpetiolar |
position |
Upon or associated with the nodes. |
carnivorous |
> insectivorous |
nutrition |
plant |
Capturing animals (usually insects), digesting their tissues by means of exoenzymes secreted by specialized cells or tissues, and assimilating the digested substances as nourishment, especially for nitrogen. |
sunken |
> immersed, impressed |
prominence |
Below the general level of the surrounding surface. |
homomorphic |
> homocladic, homophyllous, homostylous |
architecture |
Occurring in only one form within the taxon in point. |
bristly |
> hispid, setose |
pubescence |
Of or bearing relatively long and slender, more or less straight, terete, fine-pointed, stiff trichomes. |
heteromorphic |
> heteroblastic, heterocephalous, heterocladic, heterophyllous, heterostylous |
architecture |
Occurring in two or more distinctly different forms within the taxon in point, at either the same or different times, in either the same or different plants. |
corona pl. coronae, coronas |
> gynostegium |
A crown-like set of connate or distinct appendages or enations borne upon a corolla or androecium or between them. |
tufted 2 |
> floccose |
pubescence |
Of or bearing tufts of soft, fine, capillate trichomes that rub off easily. |
diffuse-rooted |
> fibrous-rooted |
architecture |
plant |
Having a dense system of adventitious, slender roots that arise from the base of the main stem and functionally replace an evanescent primary root. See also taprooted. |
diffuse root |
> fibrous root |
Any member of a dense system of adventitious, slender roots that arise from the base of a main stem and functionally replace an evanescent primary root. |
mealy 2 |
> farinaceous, farinose |
pubescence |
Loose, dry, and disintegrating in finely granular pieces like meal or flour. |
megagametophyte |
> embryo sac |
A gametophyte whose fertile organs (gametangia) are all archegonia. |
septum pl. septa |
> dissepiment, replum, trabecula |
A topologically and/or texturally distinct wall or partition that separates chambers or locules within an ovary, fruit or sporangium. |
diclinous |
> dioecious, monoecious |
reproduction |
taxon |
Having all flowers functionally unisexual. See also monoclinous (synoecious). |