raphal |
derivation |
aril |
Produced or resulting from a modification of the raphe. |
rounded |
base |
Convex overall and more or less regularly curved. |
hypogynous |
insertion |
perianth, calyx, corolla, androecium |
Entirely free from the gynoecium or any floral cup, arising from a level proximal or lateral to the base of the gynoecium. See also epigynous, perigynous. |
homosporous |
reproduction |
taxon |
Producing only one type of spore, each spore giving rise to a gametophyte that bears gametangia of both sexual types. |
andromonoecious |
reproduction |
taxon |
Having all plants with both bisexual flowers and staminate ones. |
interrupted 1 |
architecture |
foliaceous structure |
Compound with the leaflets alternately large and small. |
appendage |
Any subordinate structure ontogenetically derived from and associated with a given organ or part. |
centrifugal |
development |
Proceeding away from the center, thus more advanced centrally than peripherally within a given frame of reference. |
inflated |
solid shape |
Relatively thin-walled with an essentially empty interior largely enclosed by the walls, which are convex overall and appear taut, as though from internal pressure. See also swollen (turgid, tumid), which is not clearly distinct in its application. |
basal cell |
Any of the ring of cells forming the lowermost (proximal) portion of an antheridial wall. |
lamella pl. lamellae |
A thin layer of tissue that forms a plate within tissue of lesser density or between areas of empty space. |
spadix pl. spadices |
A thick, fleshy, primary inflorescence axis bearing sessile flowers more or less sunken into its surface, the whole subtended and sometimes partially enclosed by a specialized bract, the spathe; esp. in Araceae. |
circinate 2 |
vernation |
Having each leaf (frond) rolled adaxially from the sides and downward from the apex, forming a tight, flat coil; esp. in Polypodiophyta. |
ligule 2 |
An adaxial, distal enation from a leaf sheath, especially in most grasses (Poaceae) and sedges (Cyperaceae); usually unitary and membranous, sometimes instead consisting of a row of ciliate processes. See also hastula. |
bigeminate |
architecture |
foliaceous structure |
Compound with two orders of leaflets, each order bifoliolate. |
canalicular |
insertion |
Upon or otherwise directly associated with the channel of a petiole or petiolule. |
mamma pl. mammae |
A rounded-conoidal protrusion, resembling the breast of a mammal. |
loculicidal |
dehiscence |
fruit |
Splitting longitudinally through the outer wall(s) and directly into the locule(s), between the sutures, if any. |
monochasium pl. monochasia |
nominative |
inflorescence |
Determinate and falsely dichotomous with each axial segment bearing a single, sessile terminal flower; presumably derived from a dichasium by loss of the lateral flowers. See also cincinnus, cyme, cymule, dichasium, helicoid cyme, scorpioid cyme. |
suprafoliar |
position |
Upon the stems, each directly above (distal to) and very near a point of leaf insertion. |
decompound |
architecture |
Comprising two or more orders of equivalent substructural entities; multiply compound. |
oblique 2 |
orientation |
planate lateral structure |
Lying in a plane not coincident with the one defined by its longitudinal axis and that of the bearing structure. |
nodule |
A small nodiform (gongylodate, gongyloid, knob-shaped, knot-shaped) segment or protrusion; esp. in roots of Fabaceae (Leguminosae) and harboring nitrogen-fixing bacteria. |