viscidium pl. viscidia |
A small, viscid, glandular body of rostellar origin that becomes connected with a pollinium caudicle, either directly or through an intervening stipe, by which the pollinium attaches to a pollinating insect; in Orchidaceae. |
germination 1 |
The process wherein a dormant embryo resumes active metabolism and growth, the primary root and shoot emerging from the seed coat, the young sporophyte thereupon entering the seedling stage. |
acropetal |
development |
Proceeding toward the apex, thus more advanced basally or proximally than apically or distally within a given frame of reference. |
presence |
Occurrence within the context in point. |
radical |
position |
Upon, arising from, or otherwise directly associated with the root. |
haft |
The narrow portion of a structure that is notably constricted. |
rhizoid |
Any structure that is similar to a root in appearance and function but that is not a true root ontogenetically and anatomically, especially one produced from a gametophyte thallus. |
hilum 2 pl. hila |
The more or less central point within a starch grain of intracellular origin, about which the successive layers of starch were accreted more or less symmetrically. |
included |
position |
anther, style |
Not protruding beyond the floral envelope. See also exsert(ed). |
hygroscopic |
architecture |
structure |
Increasing or decreasing in size according to the presence or absence of surrounding moisture, due to differential swelling or shrinking of component anatomical structures. |
irregular 1 |
architecture |
perianth, calyx, corolla |
Imperfectly actinomorphic, the constituents disposed symmetrically but unequal in size and/or shape. See also peloric. |
scape |
A leafless, essentially naked, inflorescence-bearing stem (or peduncle) arising directly from a caudex or rhizome, its point of insertion slightly beneath, at, or slightly above the substrate surface. |
lateral |
insertion |
To, toward, at, or upon a side, not apical or basal. |
coloration |
Hue(s), intensity(ies), and/or pattern (if any) of coloring. When more than one hue and/or intensity is involved, a term describing the pattern of contrast will be applicable, and the description as a whole should be phrased to indicate the particular role of each in the pattern; e.g., "ovaries striate, yellow on green"; "petals pink, spotted yellow basally"; "sepals green, suffused with red". |
spicy |
odor |
Pleasantly pungent, reminiscent of spices. |
lip cell |
Either of a pair of adjacent, narrow, transversely oriented, thick-walled cells bordering the pore (stomium) of a sporangium. |
stigmatic |
habit |
trichome |
Borne on the surface of the stigma and serving to hold pollen deposited there, variously shaped, often glandular, sometimes contractile. |
microsporocarp |
A sporocarp that bears only microsporangia. |
stamen |
A seed-plant organ that produces and releases pollen; usually comprising a stalk (filament) that bears a locular structure (anther) containing sporogenous tissue; however, the filament may be lacking and the anther sessile, or the stamen may be undifferentiated, the whole then consisting of microsporangia embedded in or borne upon the surface of a more or less planate body of sterile tissue; one of the constituent organs of a bisexual or a staminate flower; may be distinct or else connate with one or more others and/or may be free or else adnate with one or more other floral structures. |
cylindric(al) |
solid shape |
Solid and transversely round with a more or less uniform diameter, the ends blunt. |
digamous |
reproduction |
inflorescence |
Bearing flowers of two differing sexual constitutions; esp. in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
mucronate |
apex |
Terminating abruptly in a short, hard point that is a continuation of vascular tissue. See also apiculate, mucronulate. |
sympodial |
architecture |
axes |
Branching laterally, each axis of each apparent order of branches comprising a series of laterally derived segments each of which functioned in turn as the distal leader, the apical meristem of each segment dominant until supplanted by that of the next. See also monopodial. |
obvolute 2 |
vernation |
Conduplicate with the lateral edges of each leaf alternately overlapping those of the oppositely oriented, distally next adjacent one. |
superposed 2 |
insertion |
buds |
Axillary in pairs, one member of each pair directly above the other. |