parietal |
placentation |
Upon the inner wall surface of a unilocular ovary, thus peripheral within the locule. |
akene |
nominative |
fruit |
See achene. |
gelatinous |
texture |
Jelly-like; soft, moist, continuously cohesive, texturally homogeneous, somewhat resilient, and easily cut. |
position |
Location or disposition with reference to some dissimilar structure(s) or larger context. The lexicons relating to position and insertion overlap to a great degree, since these two morphological concepts are often inseparable in practice. Also overlaps conceptually with arrangement, habit, orientation, and shape. |
radiant 1 |
architecture |
capitulum (head) |
Bearing one or more peripheral series of florets that are bisexual, pistillate, or neuter and that have relatively large actinomorphic corollas, and one or more central series of usually bisexual florets that have relatively small actinomorphic corollas; in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
revolute 2 |
vernation |
Each rolled abaxially inward from the lateral margins. |
heteropolar |
architecture |
pollen grain, spore |
Having morphologically evident polarity, the proximal and distal halves dissimilar. |
reclining |
habit |
axis |
Inserted above substrate level and recurved, the distal portion procumbent. |
rosette |
A set of leaves that are strongly congested and disposed in radial symmetry about the main stem at or very near its base, seeming to arise at the same level and often overlapping laterally; esp. the overwintering leaves of perennial herbs. |
sectile |
architecture |
pollinium |
Having partially separated sectors, as though cut. |
involucre 1 |
One or more closely proximate whorls, or a compact spiral, of bracts immediately subtending an inflorescence, the bracts sometimes leaf-like, sometimes petaloid. |
lemma pl. lemmata, lemmas |
The proximal bract of the (usually) two that immediately subtend the flower in a grass (Poaceae) floret; the other is the palea. |
infructescence 1 |
A mature (fruiting) inflorescence (static sense). |
spongy |
texture |
Soft, light, discontinuous but cohesive, and somewhat resilient. |
septicidal |
dehiscence |
fruit |
Splitting longitudinally into or through the suture(s) in the outer wall and, if present, through the septum(-a) between locules, the latter thus opened indirectly to the outside. |
costal |
insertion |
Upon or otherwise directly associated with the costa(e) of a laminar structure. |
sterile |
reproduction |
plant, reproductive structure |
Not producing functional spores, gametes, pollen, ovules, seeds, or other propagules. |
capitulescence |
architecture |
Mode or progressive pattern of bearing capitula (heads); most appropriately described using adjectival terms; esp. in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
convolute 3 |
vernation |
Each rolled laterally and wholly surrounded by and/or surrounding the one(s) next adjacent. |
microphyll |
A small, lateral, leaf-like enation that, evolutionarily, is not a true leaf, i.e., whose vasculature, if any, consists of only a single median strand not ontogenetically integral with the vasculature of the bearing stem and not associated with leaf gaps in the stele of the stem; in Bryophyta, Psilotophyta, Lycopodiophyta, Equisetophyta. |
cyathiform |
solid shape |
perianth, calyx, corolla, pappus |
Having a cupulate tube and an indistinct, erect limb. See also cotyliform, urceolate (urn-shaped). |
matted |
habit |
plants |
Growing in extensive, low, dense aggregations, sometimes with the stems of different plants intertwined. |
nectariferous |
exudation |
Producing and secreting nectar; when glands are nectariferous, they are usually indicated nominatively as nectaries. |
didynamous |
architecture |
flower, androecium |
Diadelphous with two stamens in each set. See also tetradynamous. |
symmetric(al) 1 |
architecture |
Divisible into essentially equal halves along one or more lines or planes. |