obcordiform |
solid shape |
Inversely cordiform (heart-shaped). |
eucamptodromous |
venation |
Having a single median primary vein that branches to either side along the length of the lamina, the secondary veins upwardly arcuate, gradually becoming indistinct interior to the margin, and serially interconnected by cross-branches without formation of marginal loops. |
basipetal |
development |
Proceeding toward the base, thus more advanced apically or distally than basally or proximally within a given frame of reference. |
terete |
solid shape |
Elongate and transversely round, gradually attenuate from base to apex; attenuate-cylindric or attenuate-tubular, broadest at the base. See also obterete. |
perennate |
duration |
structure |
Persisting in a functional state through the entire growing season. |
veinlet |
A strand belonging to the ultimate (least in diameter) order of vasculature in a leaf or other basically laminar structure when that order consists of strands ending freely within areoles and/or connecting distally by pairs across areoles; absent in some taxa. See also costa (rib), lateral vein, midvein (midnerve, midrib), primary vein, secondary vein, tertiary vein, vein (nerve). |
branchlet |
A branch of the highest or ultimate order. |
transverse 2 |
orientation |
Perpendicular to the long axis of the context of reference. |
farina pl. farinae, farinas |
A dry, meal- or flour-like covering. |
pliestesial |
duration |
plant |
Perennial and monocarpic, living several to many years before reproducing sexually, dying promptly thereafter. |
cap cell |
The single cell, or one of the several cells, forming the uppermost (distal) portion of an antheridial wall. |
caducous |
duration |
structure |
Deciduous upon or immediately after emergence, with little or no evident senescence beforehand. |
chaff 2 |
Collectively, the glumes, lemmata, and paleae of mature spikelets; in Poaceae (Gramineae). |
funicular |
derivation |
aril |
Produced from or a modification of the funiculus (funicle). |
radical |
insertion |
Upon, arising from, or otherwise directly associated with the root. |
catadromous |
venation |
Having the first lateral vein in each pinna or primary segment of the frond arise from its midvein on the side toward the base of the frond, the pinnule or secondary segment that it leads to often disproportionately larger than the next distal ones. |
habit |
General appearance and/or function, usually including explicit or implicit reference to one or more aspects of habitat or other features of the external environment; a logically imprecise traditional category of terms that overlaps conceptually with architecture, arrangement, duration, insertion, location, orientation, position, shape, and texture. |
coetaneous |
maturation |
dissimilar structures |
Maturing concurrently. This adjective is frequently used to mean contemporary maturation of leaves and flowers, but without actually stipulating that those are the structures involved. Such usage is erroneous according to the construction and literal meaning of the term, which properly applies to structures, not to the taxon or plant. See also synanthous. |
rhipidium pl. rhipidia |
nominative |
inflorescence |
A cyme with the branches alternate and disposed in two opposite ranks along the main axis, the whole fan-like. |
hilum 1 pl. hila |
The scar left on a seed at the point of its abscission from the funiculus. |
reflectance |
Aspect as to proportion and pattern of incident light reflected from the surface. |
iridescent |
coloration |
Reflecting a pattern colors from throughout the visible spectrum, the pattern changing with the angle of view. |
spicule |
A small, fine, stiff, acute protrusion that resembles a little spike. |
stigma pl. stigmata, stigmas |
An exposed, localized portion of a pistil that retains deposited pollen and stimulates its germination, the pollen tubes then growing through or along it toward the ovule(s). |
microspore |
A male spore; a spore of the smaller of the two types produced by the sporophytes of a heterosporous taxon; produced in a microsporangium; giving rise upon germination to a microgametophyte. |