septate 2 |
architecture |
trichome |
Unicellular to multicellular with transverse partitions (septa) that are common cell walls (intercellular) and/or intrusions from longitudinal cell walls (intracellular). |
barbellate |
architecture |
Bearing one or more barbels. |
sterigma pl. sterigmata |
A portion of a lamina that is prolonged and adherent to the supporting axis beneath the point of vascular insertion. |
imperfect |
architecture |
flower |
Having either stamens or pistils absent or non-functional, thus unisexual. |
subopposite |
arrangement |
Alternate but verging on opposite. |
involucrate 2 |
architecture |
capitulum (head) |
Having an involucre. |
symbiotic |
nutrition |
plant |
Partially dependent for essential nourishment upon other living organisms that derive some reciprocal benefit from the relationship. |
arrangement |
Disposition of equivalent structures with respect to one another (positions/insertions and/or orientations, regarded collectively) within some explicit or implicit standard context. Overlaps conceptually with habit, insertion, orientation, position, and shape. |
infrapetiolar |
position |
bud |
Axillary and surrounded by the petiole base at maturity. |
superaxillary |
position |
Internodal but close to and directly above the axil(s). |
apotropous |
orientation |
ovule |
Anatropous but the whole recurved such that the raphe (adnate portion of the funiculus) faces the ovary wall (placenta) and the ovule is parallel to it, the micropyle facing the free basal portion of the funiculus. |
thermocleistogamous |
reproduction |
flower |
Normally chasmogamous but facultatively cleistogamous during periods of lower-than-normal temperature. |
loose 2 |
texture |
Soft overall, discontinuously and only weakly cohesive. |
lineate 1 |
coloration |
Having very narrow, straight, clear or colored lines that contrast with the ground color. |
microgametophyte |
A gametophyte whose fertile organs (gametangia) are all antheridia. |
massula pl. massulae |
A body of coherent pollen grains, dispersed as a unit; esp. in Asclepiadaceae, Orchidaceae. |
nectar |
An aqueous exudate of high sugar content. |
acroscopic |
orientation |
subordinate structure |
Directed, facing, or pointing ("looking") toward the apex of the bearing structure. |
mucilage |
substance |
A slimy exudate. |
prophyllar |
position |
Upon or otherwise directly associated with the prophylls (bracteoles, bractlets). |
anisostemonous |
architecture |
flower, androecium |
Having stamens unequal in size and/or shape. |
cochlear |
aestivation |
Imbricate with one member larger than and exterior to the others, parallel to one that is internal to all the others, strongly incurved, and enclosing the others. |
drooping |
orientation |
Erect to salient (patent, porrect, spreading) proximally and curving downward distally. |
corymb |
nominative |
inflorescence |
An indeterminate, more or less condensed raceme with the pedicels progressively shorter toward the distal end, the flowers all borne at approximately the same level, the whole generally plane or convex at the top, the flowers maturing from the edge inward (i.e., the proximal or outer flowers maturing first). |
nutlet |
nominative |
fruit |
A small, relatively hard-coated mericarp; esp. in Lamiaceae (Labiatae), Verbenaceae. |