lid |
= operculum |
A distal, cover-like portion of a structure whose main body is otherwise closed, transversely discontinuous with the main body around most of the circumference, or becoming partially or wholly separate by transverse dehiscence; as of a pitcher (ascidium), pollen grain, pyxis, or spore case (sporangium). |
eucamptodromous |
venation |
Having a single median primary vein that branches to either side along the length of the lamina, the secondary veins upwardly arcuate, gradually becoming indistinct interior to the margin, and serially interconnected by cross-branches without formation of marginal loops. |
rostellate |
= small-beaked |
apex |
Diminutively rostrate (beaked). |
obovoid |
solid shape |
Inversely ovoid (egg-shaped). |
hirtellous |
pubescence |
Finely hirsute. |
caudate 2 |
= tailed |
base |
With one or more relatively slender, retrorse basal enations or appendages. |
pulvinate 2 |
= cushion-shaped, mound-shaped, pulviniform |
solid shape |
Essentially round in transverse section, much broader than long or high, with a convex distal face that intersects either a more or less plane proximal face or, when the structure is sessile, its bearing surface. |
megasporocarp |
= macrosporocarp (not recommended) |
A sporocarp that bears only megasporangia. |
seedling |
A plant in the first stages of its growth following emergence from the seed. |
geniculate |
= kneed |
solid shape |
Elongate, abruptly bent, somewhat thicker at the angle, and appearing as though articulate like a leg at the knee. |
architecture |
Composite structural configuration as to type, orientation, symmetry, insertion, position, fusion, presence, number, relative size, shape, texture, differentiation, and/or derivation of components and features. Overlaps conceptually with habit. |
pappus pl. pappi |
A set of one or more awns (aristae, bristles, setae) or scales at the summit of an inferior ovary just beneath or outside the free portion of the corolla; persisting in the fruit (cypsela) and often aiding wind or animal dispersal; in Asteraceae (Compositae). Considered by some to be an evolutionarily modified upper calyx portion, the lower portion having been incorporated into the floral tube casing adnate to the ovary wall; considered by others to be an outgrowth from the ovary wall. |
intercostal |
position |
Between the costae. |
suprabracteal |
insertion |
Upon the axes, each directly above (distal to) and very near a point of bract insertion. |
epicarp |
= exocarp |
The outermost tissue layer of a pericarp. |
…colpate |
= …fossulate, …furrowed, …grooved, …sulcate, …valleculate |
architecture |
Having the number of colpi indicated by the prefix; esp. pollen grains; as in monocolpate, polycolpate, 3-colpate. |
rhachis |
See rachis. |
nodose |
= knobby, knotty |
solid shape |
Having nodiform (gongylodate, gongyloid, knob-shaped, knot-shaped) protrusions. See also nodulose. |
zig-zag |
= flexuous |
course |
Having alternating angular bends to either side, more or less straight between the bends. |
snail-shell-shaped |
= cochleate |
solid shape |
Relatively broad and short, basically round in transverse section, resembling a rapidly tapering spire overall, the exterior helically convoluted. |
helical 1 |
= acyclic, spiral |
arrangement |
Disposed helically about and along the axis, each on a different radius than the one(s) vertically adjacent. |
bractlet 1 |
= bracteole; < bract |
A diminutive bract, or a bract that is smaller than others present. |
leaf 2 pl. leaves |
= microphyll |
A small, lateral, leaf-like enation that, evolutionarily, is not a true leaf, i.e., whose vasculature, if any, consists of only a single median strand not ontogenetically integral with the vasculature of the bearing stem and not associated with leaf gaps in the stele of the stem; in Psilotophyta, Lycopodiophyta, Equisetophyta. |
tooth pl. teeth |
= dens |
One of a series of regularly spaced, angular, marginal convexities oriented more or less perpendicular to the generalized perimeter of a laminar structure. See also sawtooth, sawtoothlet, scallop (crena), scalloplet (crenule), toothlet. |
fiddle-shaped |
= pandurate |
plane shape |
Basically obovate but with deep, rounded sinuses opposite one another in the proximal half; like the frontal outline of an inverted fiddle body. |