bract 1 (broad sense) |
> bracteole, bractlet, phyllary, prophyll(um); >< scale |
Any lateral structure ontogenetically and anatomically analogous with, and therefore presumably homologous with, but relatively smaller than, a leaf, especially when subtending an inflorescence, other reproductive structure, or portion thereof; putatively, an evolutionarily reduced leaf. |
lens-shaped 2 |
= biconvex, lenticular |
solid shape |
Relatively thin with two round, convex, opposite broad faces intersecting acutely at the circumferential edge; like a double-convex lens. See also disciform (discoid), meniscoid. |
planoconvex |
solid shape |
Relatively thin with opposite broad faces, one plane and one convex. |
fistulose |
solid shape |
Basically tubular with closed ends. |
infrabracteal |
insertion |
Upon the axis directly below a bract insertion. |
oblique 1 |
base |
Asymmetric about its longitudinal axis. |
carpel |
< macrosporophyll (not recommended), megasporophyll, pistil |
A more or less abstract unit of floral structure conceptually equivalent to a simple pistil or its putative evolutionary precursor (megasporophyll) or derivative (constituent of compound pistil); often regarded as the basic evolutionary unit of the gynoecium. |
enation |
A relatively small outgrowth from an otherwise regular boundary or surface of a larger structure. |
pubescent 2 (strict sense) |
= downy |
pubescence |
Of or bearing relatively short, slender, soft, more or less erect, capillate trichomes. See also puberulent. This is one of the most ambiguous terms in the botanical lexicon; it should not be used unless its intended meaning is explicit. |
galeiform |
= galeate, helmet-shaped |
solid shape |
Convex overall with a more or less smoothly curved apex, relatively thin-walled and essentially hollow with the interior open to one side below the distal portion; resembling a helmet. See also cuculliform (cucullate, hood-shaped), which overlaps conceptually. |
megagametophyte |
> embryo sac |
A gametophyte whose fertile organs (gametangia) are all archegonia. |
cone scale |
< macrosporophyll (not recommended), megasporophyll, microsporophyll; > ovuliferous scale |
One of the membranous, fleshy, or woody sporophylls of a cone (strobilus); esp. in Pinophyta. |
lancehead-shaped 1 |
= lanceolate |
plane shape |
Elongate, moderately narrow, broadest just above the base and gradually attenuate toward the apex, the sides more or less straight; like the outline of the broad lateral face of a lance head. See also oblanceolate. |
papillar(y) |
= papilliform |
solid shape |
Small, conoidal, and protruding from a larger structure; resembling a pimple; esp. trichomes. |
arcuate 2 |
plane shape |
Elongate and more or less regularly curved from one end to the other, one side convex, the opposite concave. |
fatiscent |
= crumbling; > farinaceous, mealy |
texture |
Easily disintegrating in relatively small pieces, either spontaneously or under pressure. |
retuse |
apex |
Round overall with an obtuse terminal sinus. |
…valleculate |
= …colpate, …fossulate, …furrowed, …grooved, …sulcate |
architecture |
Having the number of valleculae indicated by the prefix; esp. fruits of Apiaceae (Umbelliferae); as in tetravalleculate, 8-valleculate. |
nodal |
> interpetiolar |
position |
Upon or associated with the nodes. |
small-scalloped |
= crenulate |
margin |
Finely scalloped (crenate). See also sawtoothed (serrate), small-sawtoothed (serrulate), small-toothed (denticulate), toothed (dentate). |
calyptriform |
solid shape |
Hollow, roughly circular in cross-section, broader and open distally, and tapering to a closed apex, like a candle snuffer or elongate hood. |
lustrous |
= glossy, laevigate, polished, shining, shiny |
reflectance |
Uniformly reflecting a high proportion of incident light at all angles. |
pinnatisect |
< pinnate, pinnatifid |
plane shape |
Pinnately divided with the sinuses extending to the central axis. |
dendritic |
= tree-like |
architecture |
Like the branched axial structure of a tree. |
bearded |
= barbate |
pubescence |
Having one or more limited sectors bearing relatively long, erect, flexible, capillary trichomes. |