anisocytic |
= cruciferous |
architecture |
stomate |
Having three subsidiary cells, one distinctly smaller than the others. |
haplocheilic |
= simple-lipped |
architecture |
stomate |
Having subsidiary cells not derived from the primary stoma mother cell and thus not immediately related ontogenetically to the guard cells. |
compound-lipped |
= syndetocheilic |
architecture |
stomate |
Having subsidiary cells derived from the primary stoma mother cell and thus immediately related ontogenetically to the guard cells. |
simple-lipped |
= haplocheilic |
architecture |
stomate |
Having subsidiary cells not derived from the primary stoma mother cell and thus not immediately related ontogenetically to the guard cells. |
cruciferous |
= anisocytic |
architecture |
stomate |
Having three subsidiary cells, one distinctly smaller than the others. |
rubiaceous |
= paracytic |
architecture |
stomate |
Having one or more subsidiary cells to either side, all oriented parallel to its long axis. |
caryophyllaceous |
= diacytic |
architecture |
stomate |
Having two subsidiary cells that together surround it, their common wall oriented perpendicular to its long axis. |
anomocytic |
= ranunculaceous |
architecture |
stomate |
Lacking subsidiary cells. |
ranunculaceous |
= anomocytic |
architecture |
stomate |
Lacking subsidiary cells. |
diacytic |
= caryophyllaceous |
architecture |
stomate |
Having two subsidiary cells that together surround it, their common wall oriented perpendicular to its long axis. |
actinocytic |
architecture |
stomate |
Having several subsidiary cells oriented radially to its center. |
syndetocheilic |
= compound-lipped |
architecture |
stomate |
Having subsidiary cells derived from the primary stoma mother cell and thus immediately related ontogenetically to the guard cells. |
secund 2 |
architecture |
stem |
Having the petioles oriented such that the main bodies of all the leaves lie to one side of the bearing stem. |
foliose 1 |
architecture |
stem |
Bearing many leaves. |
pendent |
= hanging, pendulous |
orientation |
stalked structure |
Having the stalk strongly recurved from its base, the main body oriented downward. See also nutant (cernuous, nodding). |
hanging |
= pendent, pendulous |
orientation |
stalked structure |
Having the stalk strongly recurved from its base, the main body oriented downward. See also nodding (cernuous, nutant). |
pendulous |
= hanging, pendent |
orientation |
stalked structure |
Having the stalk strongly recurved from its base, the main body oriented downward. See also cernuous (nodding, nutant). |
cernuous |
= nodding, nutant |
orientation |
stalked structure |
Having the stalk proximally erect and distally recurved, the main body thus oriented outward to downward.See also pendulous (hanging, pendent). |
nutant |
= cernuous, nodding |
orientation |
stalked structure |
Having the stalk proximally erect and distally recurved, the main body thus oriented outward to downward. See also pendent (hanging, pendulous). |
nodding |
= cernuous, nutant |
orientation |
stalked structure |
Having the stalk proximally erect and distally recurved, the main body thus oriented outward to downward. See also hanging (pendent, pendulous). |
abortive |
maturation |
spore, pollen, seed |
Never attaining functional maturity due to defective or arrested development. |
monolete |
architecture |
spore |
Having a single linear tetrad scar (surficial ridge or angle resulting from ontogenetic coherence with others produced from the same spore mother cell). |
alete |
architecture |
spore |
Lacking a tetrad scar (surficial ridge or angle resulting from coherence with others produced from the same spore mother cell). |
trilete |
architecture |
spore |
Having a triradiate tetrad scar. |
indusiate |
architecture |
sorus |
Having an indusium. |