sagittate 2 |
= arrowhead-shaped |
plane shape |
Generally triangular, tapering gradually from the base to an acute apex, the base with a relatively large, acute, retrorse lobe to either side; like the outline of the broad lateral face of an arrowhead. |
horny |
= corneous |
texture |
Hard, dense, fine-grained or compactly fibrous, and tough; resembling the substance of animal horn. |
napiform |
= turnip-shaped |
solid shape |
Depressed-globose overall and strongly acuminate (concave-tapered) at the base; like the generalized form of a turnip. |
whip-like |
= flagelliform |
solid shape |
Very slender, terete, generally straight, and apparently supple. |
spur 2 |
= short-shoot |
A first- or higher-order woody stem branch having relatively unelongated internodes, thus proximate nodes, and limited duration of growth, usually branching little if at all; often a main locus of flower production; usually more or less perpendicular to the axis that bears it and resembling a spur projecting from it; sometimes becoming more or less spinose after elongation ceases; esp. in Rosaceae. |
angled |
solid shape |
Having sides that meet at acute or obtuse angles. |
acyclic |
= helical, spiral |
arrangement |
Disposed helically about and along the axis, each on a different radius than the one(s) vertically adjacent. |
coronal |
position |
Upon or otherwise directly associated with the corona. |
…cyclic |
= …seriate, …verticillate, …whorled |
arrangement |
Disposed in the number of cycles (series, verticils, whorls) indicated by the prefix; as in monocyclic, 3-cyclic. |
tumid |
= swollen, turgid |
solid shape |
Engorged in appearance, convex overall with the surface appearing taut , as though from internal pressure. See also inflated, which is not clearly distinct in its application. |
iridescent |
coloration |
Reflecting a pattern colors from throughout the visible spectrum, the pattern changing with the angle of view. |
chaff 1 |
Collectively, the paleae (pales, palets) sometimes borne on the receptacle of a capitulum (head) in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
pellucid |
= hyaline; > translucent, transparent |
coloration |
Transmitting light uniformly. |
radical |
insertion |
Upon, arising from, or otherwise directly associated with the root. |
vestigial |
< obsolete (not recommended), rudimentary |
manifestation |
Not developing fully and not functional compared with corresponding structures in other taxa, and thought to have devolved to that state from a fully developed and functional structure in an ancestral taxon. |
bractlet 1 |
= bracteole; < bract |
A diminutive bract, or a bract that is smaller than others present. |
pliable |
= flexible, pliant, supple |
texture |
Able to bend over its length and/or breadth without structural disruption. |
flaccid |
texture |
Limp, sometimes appearing withered or shrunken. See also tumid (swollen, turgid). |
taeniate |
= tapeworm-shaped |
solid shape |
Slender, elongate, basically cylindric or compressed-cylindric with shallow, narrow, more or less regular constrictions along its length, the whole apparently segmented and straight or variously curved. |
connective |
The tissue between and joining the laterally opposed thecae of an anther, connecting them with the distal end of the staminal filament when the latter is present. |
crown-shaped |
= coroniform |
solid shape |
Shortly and broadly tubular overall, circumferentially continuous at the base, distally so or not; like a monarch's crown. |
rostellum 2 pl. rostella |
= beaklet |
A sterile excrescent stigma lobe protruding between the anther and the functional stigma lobes of a column; sometimes forming one or more viscidia at pollinium maturity; esp. in Orchidaceae. |
obsolete (not recommended) |
= rudimentary; > vestigial |
manifestation |
Not developing fully and not functional compared with corresponding structures in other taxa. |