flagellum pl. flagella |
A very slender whip-like structure that extends from the main body of an antherozoid and, by active undulation, propels the cell through a liquid medium. |
secondary vein |
< lateral vein |
A strand belonging to the second order of vasculature in a leaf or other basically laminar structure, except when that is the ultimate order (consisting of veinlets); branching directly from a primary vein or, with undiminished diameter, from another strand of the second order. See also costa, primary vein, rib, tertiary vein, veinlet. |
papery |
= chartaceous, papyraceous |
texture |
Very thin, flexible, and readily torn; like paper. See also membranaceous (membranous), pergamentaceous (parchment-like). |
infructescence 2 (not recommended) |
= coenocarp, multiple fruit, syncarp; > fig, syconium |
A compound fruit derived from the connate or coherent ovaries and accessory tissue(s), if any, of two or more adjacent flowers. |
superposed 1 |
arrangement |
Approximate to congested, inserted directly above and below one another. |
entire |
margin |
Uninterrupted; not deviating significantly from its general line, thus lacking any localized convexities or concavities. |
reticulate 2 |
= netted |
coloration |
Having a pattern of interconnected fine lines of contrasting hue and/or intensity. |
apiculum 1 pl. apicula |
A short, slender, angular tip that is not notably harder or stiffer than the main body of the bearing structure. See also mucro. |
vallecula pl. valleculae |
= colpus, fossula, furrow, groove, sulcus |
A longitudinal depression that is relatively shallow and narrow; esp. in fruits of Apiaceae (Umbelliferae). |
…dentate 2 |
= …-toothed |
margin |
Having the number of orders of dentes (teeth) indicated by the prefix, one upon another; as in twice-dentate. See also …crenate (…-scalloped), …serrate (…-sawtoothed). |
small-bristly |
= setulose |
pubescence |
Finely setose (hispid). |
lateral |
position |
To, toward, at, or upon a side, not apical or basal. |
aerial root |
> climbing root |
A root, adventitious or not, that originates and functions entirely above ground during the normal life cycle of the plant. |
fertile frond |
< spore leaf, sporophyll |
A frond that bears sporangia; in Polypodiophyta. See also sterile frond (trophophyll). |
scalariform |
= ladder-like |
arrangement |
Disposed in vertical sequence with long axes horizontal and parallel. |
barbellula pl. barbellulae |
= barbellule |
A small barbel (barbella); a very diminutive barb. |
stalkless |
= exstipitate, sessile, unstalked |
architecture |
Lacking a stalk, thus inserted ("sitting") directly upon the bearing structure. |
prominulous |
< raised |
prominence |
Diminutively prominent, protruding only slightly above the general level of the surrounding surface. |
egg-shaped 1 |
= ovate |
plane shape |
Elongate and wholly convex, widest near a bluntly rounded base and attenuate to a narrower rounded apex; like the lateral outline of a fowl egg. See also obovate. |
…angular 2 |
= …gonal |
plane shape |
Having distinct, flat or curved sides of the number indicated by the prefix; as in hexangular, triangular. See also …angled (…gonous), deltate. |
macrosporophyll (not recommended) |
= megasporophyll; > carpel, cone scale, ovuliferous scale |
A sporophyll that bears only megasporangia and, in Pinophyta, naked ovules that develop subsequently. |
umbonate |
= bossed |
solid shape |
Having an umbo. |
…cyclic |
= …seriate, …verticillate, …whorled |
arrangement |
Disposed in the number of cycles (series, verticils, whorls) indicated by the prefix; as in monocyclic, 3-cyclic. |
fruity |
odor |
Sweetly to pungently fragrant and reminiscent of fruit. |
shining |
= glossy, laevigate, lustrous, polished, shiny |
reflectance |
Uniformly reflecting a high proportion of incident light at all angles. |