cereous 2 |
= ceraceous, waxen, waxy |
texture |
Having the consistency of wax. |
caesious |
< ceraceous, cereous, pruinose, waxen, waxy |
coating |
Greenish pruinose; covered with a thin, opaque, greenish deposit (bloom) of macroscopically indistinguishable waxy particles that rubs off easily. See also glaucescent, glaucous. |
prolate |
plane shape |
Symmetrically elongate parallel to the developmental or polar axis. |
macrophyll (not recommended) |
= leaf, megaphyll; > frond, needle |
A principal, vegetative shoot organ borne laterally from a stem node; its vascular tissues, if any, continuous with those of the stem; undergoing no significant secondary growth; usually more or less bilaterally symmetrical; comprising a distal, usually laminar blade and/or a proximal stalk (petiole) or sheath; usually a primary site of photosynthesis. |
distal |
> apical |
insertion |
Upon or associated with the portion of a structure farthest from its developmental origin. |
friable |
= brittle |
texture |
Dry, firm and easily broken. |
sharp |
= acute |
apex |
Acutely angular; regularly and more or less straightly attenuate to an angular tip, the sides intersecting at an angle of less than 90°. |
axil |
The space bounded by and near the vertex of the distal angle between a lateral structure, especially a leaf, and the axis that bears it. |
perianth |
Collectively, all the sterile, primary, lateral organs (tepals, or sepals and/or petals) of a flower; inserted upon the floral axis immediately beneath (proximal to) the reproductive organs (androecium and/or gynoecium) and surrounding them, often protectively; lacking in some taxa; the individual members typically laminar and more or less foliaceous; widely regarded as consisting of the evolutionarily modified leaves of a fertile shoot; the constituent members undifferentiated with respect to one another, or else differentiated into more or less distinct floral envelopes (calyx and corolla), one or the other of which is deemed lacking in some taxa due to evolutionary reduction following differentiation. |
subround |
= subcircular; suborbicular misapplied, subrotund misapplied |
plane shape |
Compressed circular or very broadly elliptic, only slightly longer than wide. |
knob-shaped |
= gongylodate, gongyloid, knot-shaped, nodiform |
solid shape |
Approximately globose, the surface convoluted or not, like a knob or knot; usually applied only to structures or components that are relatively small. |
ten-… |
= deca… |
prefix |
Indicating presence of or constitution by ten entities of the type denoted by the term's stem; as in ten-carpeled, ten-stamened, ten-winged. |
raphe |
That portion of the funicle adnate to the integument of an anatropous ovule; represented by a longitudinal ridge or other discontinuity in the surface and/or color of the testa on one side of the mature seed. |
mucronulate |
apex |
Finely mucronate. See also apiculate. |
epigeal |
= epigeous |
location |
Upon or very near the surface of the ground; esp. of cotyledons following seed germination. |
waisted |
solid shape |
Constricted in width or breadth at or near the middle of its length. |
carpophore 1 |
< stalk |
The stalk supporting a sporocarp. |
anadromous |
venation |
Having the first lateral vein in each pinna or primary segment of the frond arise from its midvein on the side toward the apex of the frond, the pinnule or secondary segment that it leads to often disproportionately larger than the next distal ones. |
splendent |
= glittering |
reflectance |
Interruptedly glossy (laevigate, lustrous, polished, shining, shiny) and thus sparkling when viewed from changing angles. |
breast-shaped |
= mammiform |
solid shape |
Rounded conic, like the breast of a mammal. |
lineolate 1 |
coloration |
Finely lineate, the lines short and often irregularly oriented. |
trunk |
= bole; < main stem, primary stem |
The relatively stout, columnar, main stem of a distinct aboveground portion of a tree. |
runcinate |
plane shape |
Basically obovate with a series of retrorse, acute lobes on either side, these diminishing in size toward the base. |
floral tube |
= floral cup (broad sense), hypanthium (broad sense) |
A complex structure comprising fused portions of the perianth and/or androecium of a flower, sometimes also including receptacular tissue; surrounding and wholly, partly, or not at all adnate to the gynoecium; subdivided morphologically into casing, collar and/or neck; sometimes bearing free distal portions of the constituent structures. |
odor |
Olfactory stimulation. |