pitted |
= foveate |
relief |
Having numerous, small, rounded depressions. See also fine-pitted (foveolate, scrobiculate). |
involucre 1 |
One or more closely proximate whorls, or a compact spiral, of bracts immediately subtending an inflorescence, the bracts sometimes leaf-like, sometimes petaloid. |
episepalous |
position |
Upon the sepals, or partially adnate thereto and apparently arising therefrom. |
rightward |
= dextrorse |
orientation |
Directed to the right, relative to the direction of growth along an explicit or implicit axis of reference. See also leftward (sinistrorse). |
obdeltate |
plane shape |
Approximately equilaterally triangular, broadest distally, and regularly attenuate to an angular base; inversely deltate; equilaterally cuneate. |
articulation |
= joint |
A distinct, relatively narrow zone of demarcation between adjacent main portions of an elongate structure, often thicker than the rest of the structure and sometimes a site of eventual abscission. |
pseudostem |
A structure that resembles a stem but is not part of the axial system of a shoot, lacking anatomical differentiation into nodes and internodes. |
lenticular 2 |
= biconvex, lens-shaped |
solid shape |
Relatively thin with two round, convex, opposite broad faces intersecting acutely at the circumferential edge; like a double-convex lens. See also disciform (discoid), meniscoid. |
transverse 1 |
dehiscence |
More or less perpendicular to the central axis. |
cone-shaped |
= conic(al) |
apex |
Transversely round, essentially triangular in median longitudinal section, and broadest proximally. See also obconic(al). |
fixed |
fixation |
Attached to the bearing structure in a manner allowing no significant rotation or declination in relation to it. |
scutate |
= buckler-shaped, scutiform |
solid shape |
Relatively thin with opposite broad oblong faces, planate to shallowly concave-convex, sometimes thickened about the periphery such that each face has a marginal rim; like an oblong shield. See also scutellate (platter-shaped, scutelliform), which is not clearly distinct in its application. |
dorsal (not recommended) |
= abaxial |
insertion |
On or pertaining to the side or portion of a lateral structure that faces (or would face) away from the bearing axis when (or if) the axis of the lateral structure is (or were) oriented in the same general direction as the bearing axis. |
infrafoliar |
position |
Upon the stem directly below a leaf insertion. |
superaxillary |
insertion |
Internodal but close to and directly above the axil(s). |
endophytic |
habit |
Growing within some portion of another, unrelated, living plant. |
reproduction |
Type, morphology, disposition, function and/or dissemination of reproductive structures. |
endosperm |
= albumen |
A genetically triploid (3n chromosomes) nutritive tissue in a seed; containing stored carbohydrate and/or oil utilized by the embryo prior to and especially upon germination; derived from fusion of the two polar nuclei (n + n chromosomes) of the embryo sac with a sperm nucleus from the pollen tube (n chromosomes). See also perisperm. |
resin |
A substance of high molecular weight consisting of organic acids, esters, and/or terpenes, produced within plant tissue and exuded from wounds as a liquid that hardens to an amorphous glassy state upon exposure. |
cuboid |
solid shape |
Generally but not strictly cubic; more or less equilaterally six-sided, each side basically square. |
six-… |
= hexa… |
prefix |
Indicating presence of or constitution by six entities of the type denoted by the term's stem; as in six-angled, six-sepaled, six-styled. |
breast-shaped |
= mammiform |
solid shape |
Rounded conic, like the breast of a mammal. |
hastula pl. hastulae, hastulas |
= ligule misapplied |
An outgrowth or enation from the petiole apex at its junction with the adaxial surface of a palmate leaf blade; often woody in texture; variously shaped, its adaxial outline usually resembling an inverted V or U, or a semicircle with the opening proximal; esp. in Arecaceae (Palmae). |
phyllopodium pl. phyllopodia |
A stem-like axis composed of fused leaf bases; esp. in Arecaceae (Palmae), Musaceae. |
lanciform |
= lancehead-shaped, lanceoloid |
solid shape |
Considerably longer than broad, compressed or not, broadest near the base and somewhat concavely attenuate to the apex, the attenuation in all median longitudinal planes or else largely confined to one, depending upon the extent of compression, if any. See also oblanciform (oblanceoloid). |