acinaciform |
= scimitar-shaped |
solid shape |
Thin and moderately arcuate with two opposite, plane, broad faces, the degree of curvature increasing distally, thinnest at the convex edge, thicker toward the concave; like a scimitar blade. |
pergamentaceous |
= parchment-like |
texture |
Very thin, pliable, and fairly tough; like parchment. See also chartaceous (papery, papyraceous), membranaceous (membranous). |
subrotund |
= subglobose, suborbicular, subspheric(al), subspheroid(al) |
solid shape |
Broadly ellipsoid with a length:width ratio closely approaching 1:1; almost rotund, slightly longer than broad. |
kneed |
= geniculate |
solid shape |
Elongate, abruptly bent, somewhat thicker at the angle, and appearing as though articulate like a leg at the knee. |
teardrop-shaped 2 |
= lacrimiform |
solid shape |
Transversely round and broadest just below the middle, broadly rounded to the base and acutely attenuate to the apex. |
crena pl. crenae |
= scallop |
A rounded, marginal convexity or concavity in a series of such that alternate regularly and are oriented more or less perpendicular to the generalized perimeter of a laminar structure. See also crenule (scalloplet), dens (tooth), sawtooth, sawtoothlet, toothlet. |
explosive |
dehiscence |
Opening abruptly with almost instantaneous aperture formation and release of accumulated structural tensions, the contents thus forcibly expelled. |
mucronate |
apex |
Terminating abruptly in a short, hard point that is a continuation of vascular tissue. See also apiculate, mucronulate. |
anther |
The fertile, loculate, pollen-bearing portion of a stamen, containing one, two, or four thecae (pollen sacs), when that portion is differentiated from and borne at the summit of a narrower supporting stalk (filament), or when such differentiation is deemed to have occurred in the evolutionary past with subsequent reduction of the filament (the anther then sessile and constituting the entirety of the stamen). |
cap cell |
The single cell, or one of the several cells, forming the uppermost (distal) portion of an antheridial wall. |
poly… |
= many-…, multi…, pluri… |
prefix |
Indicating presence of or constitution by a relatively large number of entities of the type denoted by the term's stem; as in polyadelphous, polyandrous, polycarpellate. See also entries for particular terms with this prefix whose meanings, at least in some applications, are more specific than usually indicated by such combination;and also oligo… (few-…). |
lineate 2 |
> streaked, striate |
relief |
Having very narrow, straight, shallow depressions or low protrusions. See also lineolate. |
truncate 2 |
base |
Having a generalized proximal boundary that is more or less straight or plane and approximately perpendicular to the central axis. |
ruminate |
= chewed |
relief |
Irregularly convoluted, as if chewed. |
floral cup 2 (strict sense) |
= hypanthium (strict sense) |
A marginal protrusion from or enlargement of the receptacle (torus) of a flower, encircling and wholly, partly or not at all adnate to the gynoecium, bearing the perianth and androecium. |
semiobterete |
= half-obterete |
solid shape |
Inversely semiterete; obterete but flattened on one side. |
axile |
placentation |
Upon the central axis of a compound, plurilocular ovary. |
horizontal |
orientation |
Parallel to the horizon, perpendicular to the force of gravity. |
streaked 1 |
= striate |
coloration |
Having an overall pattern of fine, more or less parallel lines of contrasting hue and/or intensity. |
corniculate |
= horned |
apex |
Bearing one or more cornicula (horns). |
microsporocarp |
A sporocarp that bears only microsporangia. |
velvety |
= velutinous |
pubescence |
Of or bearing dense, moderately firm, more or less erect, capillate trichomes, like velvet pile to the touch. |
glochid |
= glochidium; < bristle, capillus, hair, seta, trichome |
A capillus (hair) or bristle (seta) that bears one or more barbs; esp. in Cactaceae. |
spathulate |
plane shape |
See spatula-shaped, spatulate. |
…partite |
? …cleft, …fid, …lobate, …lobed, …parted, …segmented |
solid shape |
Having the number of lobes, divisions or segments indicated by the prefix; as in tripartite. |