androphore |
>< stalk |
A stalk or tube that rises above the level of perianth insertion and bears the distinct portions of the androecium from its summit; as in Malvaceae, where the androphore is a tube formed by connation of the filaments. |
peripheral |
insertion |
Upon or otherwise directly associated with the outer surfaces or regions of a three-dimensional structure. Although use of this term in two-dimensional contexts is technically correct, traditionally the term marginal is preferred in such cases. |
laciniate |
= slashed; < cut, incised, lacerate, torn |
plane shape |
Having relatively close, more or less straight lines of separation exending inward from the margin. See also cleft (dissected, divided, lobate, lobed, parted, partite, segmented). |
calceolate |
= slipper-shaped |
solid shape |
Relatively thin-walled with an essentially hollow interior that is open on one side at the broader end. |
receptacular bract |
= pale, palea, palet |
A small papery (chartaceous) to membranous bract borne on the compound receptacle (torus) of a capitulum (head) in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
exudation |
Discharged substance, as to type. |
S-shaped 2 |
= sigmoid |
solid shape |
Elongate with more or less constant width or diameter and curved more or less regularly first in one direction and then in the opposite direction, like the letter S. |
mushroom-shaped |
= fungiform |
solid shape |
Having a cylindric base and a considerably broader, pulvinate distal portion; like the generalized form of a mushroom. |
waxy 2 |
= ceraceous, cereous, waxy |
texture |
Having the consistency of wax. |
haft |
The narrow portion of a structure that is notably constricted. |
sporophyll |
= spore leaf; > fertile frond |
A leaf or homologous structure that bears sporangia. See also megasporophyll (macrosporophyll, not recommended), microsporophyll. |
axillary |
position |
Within the axil; nodal and at or very close to the vertex of the distal angle between a lateral structure, especially a leaf, and the axis that bears it. |
…lobate |
? …cleft, …fid, …lobed, …parted, …partite, …segmented |
solid shape |
Having the number of lobes indicated by the prefix; as in bilobate. |
septate 1 |
> trabeculate |
architecture |
Having one or more septa. |
canalicular |
insertion |
Upon or otherwise directly associated with the channel of a petiole or petiolule. |
strobilus pl. strobili |
= cone; > female cone, macrostrobilus (not recommended), male cone, megastrobilus, microstrobilus |
A compound or complex reproductive structure consisting of a central axis bearing congested sporophylls and sometimes other lateral members (e.g., bracts) that are sterile. |
double-… |
= bi…, twice… |
prefix |
Indicating presence of two hierarchical orders of the type of entity or pattern denoted by the term's stem; as in double-pinnate, double-crenate. See also two-… (bi…, di…). |
bristle 2 |
= seta; > glochid, glochidium; < trichome |
A trichome that is elongate, more or less straight, terete, fine-pointed, and stiff. |
rachis 2 var. rhachis |
A main or first-order axis of an inflorescence. |
moniliform |
= beaded |
solid shape |
Elongate, relatively slender, transversely round, and more or less regularly constricted over its length, the whole straight or variously curved; like a necklace of beads. |
verticil |
= cycle, series, whorl |
A set of three or more lateral structures that are inserted around an axis at the same level. |
goblet-shaped |
= crateriform |
solid shape |
Having a distal, concave, relatively thin-walled, basically hemispherical portion surmounting a much narrower, transversely round, pedestal-like base. |
spiculate |
relief |
Having small, fine, stiff, acute protrusions that resemble little spikes. See also scabridulous (scabrellate, scabrellous, which is not clearly distinct in its application. |
circumscissile |
dehiscence |
Splitting transversely through the exterior wall about its entire circumference, the resulting upper cap-like portion falling away. |
cuneate 2 |
= obtriangular, wedge-shaped |
plane shape |
Inversely triangular; like the outline of the broad lateral face of a wedge, broadest at the apex. See also obdeltate. |