dot |
= punctum |
A small, generally round sector of distinct coloration or relief. |
brittle |
= friable |
texture |
Dry, firm and easily broken. |
spatulate var. spathulate |
= spatula-shaped |
plane shape |
Elongate, broadest near a rounded apex, gradually attenuate to a narrower base; like the outline of the broad face of a spatula blade. |
placenta-shaped |
= placentiform |
solid shape |
Thickly discoid (disciform); like the generalized form of a human placenta. |
involute 1 |
margin |
Rolled adaxially. |
acicular 2 |
= acerose, needle-shaped |
solid shape |
Rounded in cross-section and very slenderly elongate, broadest near the middle, and gradually attenuate to an acute apex and a slightly blunter base; like a needle. |
ring-porous |
porosity |
Heterogeneously porous, with macroscopically distinct concentric seasonal growth increments (rings), each with numerous large vessels toward the inside and fewer and smaller ones toward the outside. |
cuculliform |
= cucullate, hood-shaped |
solid shape |
Convex or compressed-convex overall with a distal peak or ridge, relatively thin-walled and essentially hollow with the interior open to one side below the distal portion; resembling a hood or cowl. See also galeiform (galeate, helmet-shaped), which overlaps conceptually. |
cauline |
insertion |
Upon, arising from, or otherwise directly associated with the stem. |
epidermis pl. epidermides, epidermises |
The anatomically distinct, outermost, living tissue that encloses and protects the other tissues of a plant organ or part, usually overlaid by an exuded waxy cuticle; resulting from primary growth, disrupted and shed as a consequence of secondary growth if that occurs; consisting mainly of cells not further specialized, otherwise including various types of more specialized cells associated with trichomes and stomates. |
pseudoterminal |
position |
Only apparently terminal; originally subapical but displaced toward the apex by differential growth during development. |
lentiginous |
= dusty, lentiginose |
coating |
Covered with a more or less even deposit of minute, dry, macroscopically indistinguishable particles. See also pulverulent (granuliferous, powdery), which is not clearly distinct in its application. |
arrangement |
Disposition of equivalent structures with respect to one another (positions/insertions and/or orientations, regarded collectively) within some explicit or implicit standard context. Overlaps conceptually with habit, insertion, orientation, position, and shape. |
mealy 1 |
= farinaceous; < crumbling, fatiscent |
texture |
Of or bearing minute, relatively stout trichomes that are collectively meal- or flour-like and easily detached. |
scutelliform |
= platter-shaped, scutellate |
solid shape |
Relatively thin with opposite broad oval faces, shallowly concave-convex; like a serving platter. See also scutate (buckler-shaped, scutiform), which is not clearly distinct in its application. |
disc floret |
A floret that has an actinomorphic corolla, is bisexual, functionally staminate, or functionally pistillate, and is borne in a radiate, discoid, disciform, or radiant capitulum (head) interior (distal) to any peripheral series of differing florets that may be present; in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
blotched |
= maculate, spotted |
coloration |
Having one or more areas that differ in color from the rest of the surface. See also eyespotted. |
…sulcate |
= …colpate, …fossulate, …furrowed, …grooved, …valleculate |
architecture |
Having the number of sulci indicated by the prefix; esp. pollen grains; as in monosulcate, polysulcate, 3-sulcate. |
inframedial |
position |
Slightly below the middle of the structure in point. |
filamentous |
texture |
Composed of filiform (thread-like) strands with no intervening tissue. |
unilateral 3 |
= one-sided |
position |
Upon or arising from one side only of the bearing structure. |
resinous 1 |
coating |
Of liquid or hardened resin. |
size |
Nature as to absolute or comparative extent in any one dimension or in area or volume. |
capitulescence |
architecture |
Mode or progressive pattern of bearing capitula (heads); most appropriately described using adjectival terms; esp. in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
piliferous |
apex |
Having a distinct, fine, weak, hair-like portion or protrusion. |