tessellate 1 |
= checkered |
coloration |
Having a pattern of more or less regularly disposed square zones of contrasting hues and/or intensities. |
dissected |
? cleft, divided, lobate, lobed, parted, partite, segmented |
plane shape |
Having two or more component sectors or peripheral protrusions that are delimited by concavities in the surface or margin and that are not proximally distinct from the remainder of the whole. The meanings of this term and its approximate synonyms sometimes have been supposed to differ according to the depth of the delimiting concavities relative to the midline or midpoint of the overall structure, and/or to the shape or proportions of the protusions or sectors; however, there has been little consistency in the applications of the various terms according to such distinctions, which are ones only of degree and are necessarily arbitrary in any case. In general usage, these terms differ only indistinctly and connotatively: cleft, lobed (or lobate), parted (or partite) and segmented tend to connote fewer protrusions or sectors; lobate usually connotes as well a generally rounded shape; dissected tends to connote more numerous sectors that are elongate and angular. See also cut (incised, lacerate, torn), laciniate (slashed). |
faceted |
solid shape |
Having numerous, relatively small, flat or shallowly curved portions of the external surface that are bounded by more or less distinct angular discontinuities in that surface. |
saddle-shaped |
= selliform |
solid shape |
Relatively thin, broad and long, strongly compound-curved, concavely from end to end and convexly from side to side; like the generalized shape of a saddle. |
halberd-head-shaped 2 |
= hastate |
plane shape |
Basically triangular with an acute apex and two large, widely divergent basal lobes, each generally triangular and distally acute; like the stylized outline of the broad lateral face of a halberd head. |
complex |
architecture |
Comprising two or more basic structural entities, at least two of which are dissimilar. |
antheridium pl. antheridia |
A male gametangium; a multicellular fertile organ of a mature gametophyte within which male gametes (antherozoids, spermatozoids) are produced and from which they are discharged, in some taxa forcibly, through a pore. Technically present but highly reduced and of no descriptive significance in Magnoliophyta and part of Pinophyta. |
porosity |
Presence and disposition of vessels (pores) in wood (xylem). |
crisped |
= crispate, curly |
margin |
Having closely and irregularly spaced, irregularly shaped, often compound convexities that curve irregularly through three dimensions. |
lobed |
? cleft, dissected, divided, lobate, parted, partite, segmented |
solid shape |
Having one or more component sectors or peripheral protrusions that is/are delimited by concavities in the surface or margin and that is/are not proximally distinct from the remainder of the whole. The meanings of this term and its approximate synonyms sometimes have been supposed to differ according to the depth of the delimiting concavities relative to the midline or midpoint of the overall structure, and/or to the shape or proportions of the protusions or sectors; however, there has been little consistency in the applications of the various terms according to such distinctions, which are ones only of degree and are necessarily arbitrary in any case. In general usage, these terms differ only indistinctly and connotatively: cleft, lobed (or lobate), parted (or partite) and segmented tend to connote fewer protrusions or sectors; lobate usually connotes as well a generally rounded shape; dissected tends to connote more numerous sectors that are elongate and angular. See also cut (incised, lacerate, torn), laciniate (slashed). |
epicotyl |
= plumule |
A distinguishable nascent shoot developed in the embryo in some taxa, consisting of a shoot axis with unexpanded internodes and one or more leaf primordia, being that portion of the embryo above the level of cotyledon insertion; the primordial shoot, when developed by the embryo within a seed; the first bud of a spermatophyte, when developed by an embryo within the seed. In other taxa the shoot is represented in the embryo only by a quiescent apical meristem at the summit of the embryonic axis. |
septum pl. septa |
> dissepiment, replum, trabecula |
A topologically and/or texturally distinct wall or partition that separates chambers or locules within an ovary, fruit or sporangium. |
peduncle |
<stalk, stipe (broad sense, not recommended) |
The common stalk, when present, of a compound inflorescence or first-order subunit thereof, or of a solitary flower that is deemed to represent an evolutionarily reduced compound inflorescence. |
hypochilium |
The proximal portion of a labellum (lip) that has distinct proximal, distal, and sometimes also central parts; in Orchidaceae. See also epichilium, mesochilium. |
…gonous |
= …angled |
solid shape |
Elongate with the number of longitudinal angles indicated by the prefix, the intervening sides transversely straight to concave; as in hexagonous, trigonous. See also deltoid, …gonal (…angular), obdeltoid, triquetrous. |
barbate |
= bearded |
pubescence |
Having one or more limited sectors bearing fairly long, erect, flexible, capillary trichomes. |
pleated 2 |
= plaited, plicate |
vernation |
Having alternately adaxial and abaxial lengthwise folds, resembling a closed fan. |
lid |
= operculum |
A distal, cover-like portion of a structure whose main body is otherwise closed, transversely discontinuous with the main body around most of the circumference, or becoming partially or wholly separate by transverse dehiscence; as of a pitcher (ascidium), pollen grain, pyxis, or spore case (sporangium). |
eleven-… |
= endeca… |
prefix |
Indicating presence of or constitution by eleven entities of the type denoted by the term's stem; as in eleven-carpelled, eleven-leafleted, eleven-stamened. |
rostellate |
= small-beaked |
apex |
Diminutively rostrate (beaked). |
obovoid |
solid shape |
Inversely ovoid (egg-shaped). |
hirtellous |
pubescence |
Finely hirsute. |
bud-scale scar |
A scar on a stem due to abscission of a bud scale. The scar(s) encircle(s) the axis to which the bud was terminal, each single scar having an outline like that of a transverse section through the base of the bud scale that was inserted there. Sets of bud scale scars (one set per bud) usually delimit seasonal stem growth increments in temperate zone taxa. |
pulvinate 2 |
= cushion-shaped, mound-shaped, pulviniform |
solid shape |
Essentially round in transverse section, much broader than long or high, with a convex distal face that intersects either a more or less plane proximal face or, when the structure is sessile, its bearing surface. |
megasporocarp |
= macrosporocarp (not recommended) |
A sporocarp that bears only megasporangia. |