canaliculate |
= channeled |
solid shape |
Having a longitudinal, transversely rounded depression; esp. a petiole or petiolule. |
hilum 2 pl. hila |
The more or less central point within a starch grain of intracellular origin, about which the successive layers of starch were accreted more or less symmetrically. |
puckered |
= blistered, bullate, pustulate |
relief |
Having relatively coarse, irregularly disposed, rounded protrusions or convexities resembling blisters. See also papillate, papillose. |
megaphyll |
= leaf, macrophyll (not recommended); > frond, needle |
A principal, vegetative shoot organ borne laterally from a stem node; its vascular tissues, if any, continuous with those of the stem; undergoing no significant secondary growth; usually more or less bilaterally symmetrical; comprising a distal, usually laminar blade and/or a proximal stalk (petiole) or sheath; usually a primary site of photosynthesis. |
flask-shaped |
= ampulliform, lageniform |
solid shape |
Generally circular in cross-section, broadest at or below the middle, approximately globose below that and constricted above to a relatively narrow neck; like a flask. |
seed |
A mature or ripened ovule containing an embryonic sporophyte and a nutritive tissue (endosperm or perisperm) with stored food that sustains the initial growth of the embryo upon germination, except when such food reserve is stored instead in the cotyledon(s) of the embryo itself, these enclosed by one or two integuments (the testa), the whole serving as a propagule. A fertile seed (one containing a viable embryo) normally results from sexual fertilization of an egg by a sperm; however, fertile seeds are sometimes produced asexually by apomictic processes (e.g., parthenogenesis). |
gelatinous |
texture |
Jelly-like; soft, moist, continuously cohesive, texturally homogeneous, somewhat resilient, and easily cut. |
papillate |
= papillose |
relief |
Having small, conoidal protrusions overall; appearing pimply. |
insertion |
Mode or locus of attachment of a structure to some dissimilar bearing structure. The lexicons relating to insertion and position overlap to a great degree, since these two morphological concepts are often inseparable in practice. Also overlaps conceptually with arrangement, habit, orientation, and shape. |
retuse |
apex |
Round overall with an obtuse terminal sinus. |
…valleculate |
= …colpate, …fossulate, …furrowed, …grooved, …sulcate |
architecture |
Having the number of valleculae indicated by the prefix; esp. fruits of Apiaceae (Umbelliferae); as in tetravalleculate, 8-valleculate. |
nodal |
> interpetiolar |
position |
Upon or associated with the nodes. |
small-scalloped |
= crenulate |
margin |
Finely scalloped (crenate). See also sawtoothed (serrate), small-sawtoothed (serrulate), small-toothed (denticulate), toothed (dentate). |
crispate |
= crisped, curly |
margin |
Having closely and irregularly spaced, irregularly shaped, often compound convexities that curve irregularly through three dimensions. |
pinnatisect |
< pinnate, pinnatifid |
plane shape |
Pinnately divided with the sinuses extending to the central axis. |
fibrous root |
< diffuse root |
A diffuse root that includes a significant component of woody or sclerotic strands and is consequently tough and often wiry. |
scallop |
= crena |
A rounded, marginal convexity or concavity in a series of such that alternate regularly and are oriented more or less perpendicular to the generalized perimeter of a laminar structure. See also sawtooth, sawtoothlet, scalloplet (crenule), tooth (dens), toothlet. |
bursicle |
A pouch- or flap-like protrusion from the stigma that encloses the caudicle of a pollinium. |
staminal |
position |
Upon or otherwise directly associated with the stamens. |
subsidiary cell |
One of the cytologically distinctive epidermal cells that are sometimes present in a stomate and that surround and are regularly oriented in relation to the guard cells. |
prophyllar |
insertion |
Upon or otherwise directly associated with the prophylls (bracteoles, bractlets). |
elaiosome |
A fleshy outgrowth from the seed coat (testa) that contains a high proportion of oil, usually attracting ants for dispersal. |
main stem |
= primary stem; > bole, trunk |
The one, or any of the more than one, first-order stem(s), or first-order portion(s) of the collective stem, of a shoot. |
short-shoot |
= spur |
A first- or higher-order woody stem branch having relatively unelongated internodes, thus proximate nodes, and limited duration of growth, usually branching little if at all; often a main locus of flower production; usually more or less perpendicular to the axis that bears it and resembling a spur projecting from it; sometimes becoming more or less spinose after elongation ceases; esp. in Rosaceae. |
coronal |
position |
Upon or otherwise directly associated with the corona. |