insertion |
Mode or locus of attachment of a structure to some dissimilar bearing structure. The lexicons relating to insertion and position overlap to a great degree, since these two morphological concepts are often inseparable in practice. Also overlaps conceptually with arrangement, habit, orientation, and shape. |
retuse |
apex |
Round overall with an obtuse terminal sinus. |
…valleculate |
= …colpate, …fossulate, …furrowed, …grooved, …sulcate |
architecture |
Having the number of valleculae indicated by the prefix; esp. fruits of Apiaceae (Umbelliferae); as in tetravalleculate, 8-valleculate. |
nodal |
> interpetiolar |
position |
Upon or associated with the nodes. |
small-scalloped |
= crenulate |
margin |
Finely scalloped (crenate). See also sawtoothed (serrate), small-sawtoothed (serrulate), small-toothed (denticulate), toothed (dentate). |
pinnatisect |
< pinnate, pinnatifid |
plane shape |
Pinnately divided with the sinuses extending to the central axis. |
canaliculate |
= channeled |
solid shape |
Having a longitudinal, transversely rounded depression; esp. a petiole or petiolule. |
cottony |
> lanuginose |
pubescence |
Of or bearing relatively long and fine, intertwined, somewhat matted, capillate trichomes. See also lanuginose. |
fibrous root |
< diffuse root |
A diffuse root that includes a significant component of woody or sclerotic strands and is consequently tough and often wiry. |
scallop |
= crena |
A rounded, marginal convexity or concavity in a series of such that alternate regularly and are oriented more or less perpendicular to the generalized perimeter of a laminar structure. See also sawtooth, sawtoothlet, scalloplet (crenule), tooth (dens), toothlet. |
attenuate 2 |
= tapered |
solid shape |
Gradually diminishing in breadth or diameter from one end to the other. |
staminal |
position |
Upon or otherwise directly associated with the stamens. |
subsidiary cell |
One of the cytologically distinctive epidermal cells that are sometimes present in a stomate and that surround and are regularly oriented in relation to the guard cells. |
prophyllar |
insertion |
Upon or otherwise directly associated with the prophylls (bracteoles, bractlets). |
elaiosome |
A fleshy outgrowth from the seed coat (testa) that contains a high proportion of oil, usually attracting ants for dispersal. |
main stem |
= primary stem; > bole, trunk |
The one, or any of the more than one, first-order stem(s), or first-order portion(s) of the collective stem, of a shoot. |
…dentate 2 |
= …-toothed |
margin |
Having the number of orders of dentes (teeth) indicated by the prefix, one upon another; as in twice-dentate. See also …crenate (…-scalloped), …serrate (…-sawtoothed). |
short-shoot |
= spur |
A first- or higher-order woody stem branch having relatively unelongated internodes, thus proximate nodes, and limited duration of growth, usually branching little if at all; often a main locus of flower production; usually more or less perpendicular to the axis that bears it and resembling a spur projecting from it; sometimes becoming more or less spinose after elongation ceases; esp. in Rosaceae. |
peripheral |
insertion |
Upon or otherwise directly associated with the outer surfaces or regions of a three-dimensional structure. Although use of this term in two-dimensional contexts is technically correct, traditionally the term marginal is preferred in such cases. |
bract 2 (strict sense) |
Any primary or first-order lateral structure ontogenetically and anatomically analogous with, and therefore presumably homologous with, but relatively smaller than, a leaf, especially when subtending an inflorescence, other reproductive structure, or portion thereof; putatively, an evolutionarily reduced leaf. |
laciniate |
= slashed; < cut, incised, lacerate, torn |
plane shape |
Having relatively close, more or less straight lines of separation exending inward from the margin. See also cleft (dissected, divided, lobate, lobed, parted, partite, segmented). |
receptacular bract |
= pale, palea, palet |
A small papery (chartaceous) to membranous bract borne on the compound receptacle (torus) of a capitulum (head) in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
exudation |
Discharged substance, as to type. |
S-shaped 2 |
= sigmoid |
solid shape |
Elongate with more or less constant width or diameter and curved more or less regularly first in one direction and then in the opposite direction, like the letter S. |
mushroom-shaped |
= fungiform |
solid shape |
Having a cylindric base and a considerably broader, pulvinate distal portion; like the generalized form of a mushroom. |