ligulate 1 |
= liguliferous |
architecture |
structure |
Having a ligule. |
fleeting |
= fugacious |
duration |
structure |
Wilting or withering very shortly after emergence, soon becoming inconspicuous and falling away or disintegrating. |
leaf-like |
= foliaceous |
architecture |
structure |
Resembling a leaf in shape, texture and color. |
tunicate |
architecture |
structure |
Having a tunic. |
radicant |
= rooting |
architecture |
structure |
Developing adventitious roots; esp. stems or leaves. |
caducous |
duration |
structure |
Deciduous upon or immediately after emergence, with little or no evident senescence beforehand. |
petal-like |
= petaloid |
architecture |
structure |
Resembling a petal in shape, texture and color. |
accrescent |
duration |
structure |
Increasing further in size after the bearing structure has become functionally mature; esp. a calyx after anthesis. |
serotinous |
= late-maturing |
maturation |
structure |
Maturing late in the growing season, or late relative to the developmental progress of its context. |
petaloid |
= petal-like |
architecture |
structure |
Resembling a petal in shape, texture and color. |
submergent |
location |
structure of aquatic plant |
Descending from above the water surface to a point beneath it. |
emersed |
location |
structure of aquatic plant |
Above the water surface. |
alternate 2 |
arrangement |
structures in multiple whorls |
Having those of each whorl staggered radially in relation to those of the adjacent whorl(s). |
gynobasic |
insertion |
style |
Apparently arising from the ovary base. |
basiscopic |
orientation |
subordinate structure |
Directed, facing, or pointing ("looking") toward the base of the bearing structure. |
acroscopic |
orientation |
subordinate structure |
Directed, facing, or pointing ("looking") toward the apex of the bearing structure. |
selfing |
= autogamous, automictic, idiogamous, self-fertilizing; > geitonogamous |
reproduction |
taxon |
Having fertilization regularly involving gametes derived from the same plant. |
androdioecious |
reproduction |
taxon |
Having some plants with only bisexual flowers and others only staminate ones. |
homosporous |
reproduction |
taxon |
Producing only one type of spore, each spore giving rise to a gametophyte that bears gametangia of both sexual types. |
androgynecandrous |
reproduction |
taxon |
Monoecious, each inflorescence having distal and proximal sectors with only staminate flowers and between them a central sector with only pistillate ones. |
androgynous |
reproduction |
taxon |
Monoecious, each inflorescence having a distal sector with only staminate flowers and a proximal sector with only pistillate ones. |
andromonoecious |
reproduction |
taxon |
Having all plants with both bisexual flowers and staminate ones. |
dioecious |
< diclinous |
reproduction |
taxon |
Having all flowers or spikelets functionally unisexual, each plant having only staminate or only pistillate types. See also monoecious. |
idiogamous |
= autogamous, automictic, self-fertilizing, selfing; > geitonogamous |
reproduction |
taxon |
Having fertilization regularly involving gametes derived from the same plant. |
exogamous |
= allogamous, allomictic, cross-fertilizing, xenogamous |
reproduction |
taxon |
Having fertilization regularly involving gametes derived from different plants. |