floccose |
< tufted |
pubescence |
Bearing tufts of soft, fine, capillate trichomes that rub off easily. |
tuberous 1 |
architecture |
plant |
Bearing tubers. |
pubescent 1 (broad sense) |
pubescence |
Bearing trichomes. This is one of the most ambiguous terms in the botanical lexicon; it should not be used unless its intended meaning is explicit. |
…ciliate |
architecture |
Bearing the number of cilia indicated by the prefix. |
squamate |
= lepidote, squamose; < scaly |
pubescence |
Bearing squamae (lepides). See also squamellose. |
squamose |
= lepidote, squamate; < scaly |
pubescence |
Bearing squamae (lepides). See also squamellose. |
spinose 2 |
= echinate, spiny |
architecture |
Bearing spines. See also spinulose. |
echinate |
= spinose, spiny |
architecture |
Bearing spines. |
spiny 1 |
= echinate, spinose |
architecture |
Bearing spines. |
shaggy |
= villose, villous |
pubescence |
Bearing sparse, long, slender, soft, capillate trichomes that are not intertwined. See also villosulous. |
villose |
= shaggy, villous |
pubescence |
Bearing sparse, long, slender, soft, capillate trichomes that are not intertwined. See also villosulous. |
villous |
= shaggy, villose |
pubescence |
Bearing sparse, long, slender, soft, capillate trichomes that are not intertwined. See also villosulous. |
strigose |
pubescence |
Bearing sharp, rigid, appressed, capillate trichomes. See also strigillose (strigulose). |
scaly 1 |
> lepidote, squamate, squamellose, squamose |
pubescence |
Bearing scales [squamae (lepides) or squamellae]. |
pilose |
pubescence |
Bearing relatively sparse, soft, slender, more or less erect capillate trichomes. See also pilosulous. |
lanate |
< woolly |
pubescence |
Bearing relatively long, moderately stout, intertwined, somewhat matted, capillate trichomes. See also lanulose. |
setose |
= hispid; < bristly |
pubescence |
Bearing relatively long and slender, more or less straight, terete, fine-pointed, stiff trichomes. See also setulose (hispidulous, small-bristly). |
hispid |
= setose; < bristly |
pubescence |
Bearing relatively long and slender, more or less straight, terete, fine-pointed, stiff trichomes. See also hispidulous (setulose, small-bristly). |
lanuginose |
< cottony |
pubescence |
Bearing relatively long and fine, intertwined, somewhat matted, capillate trichomes. |
prickly |
architecture |
Bearing prickles. |
proliferous |
reproduction |
plant, structure |
Bearing plantlets, as from the leaf margin in some Kalanchoë (Crassulaceae). |
pitcher-leaved |
= ascidiate |
architecture |
plant |
Bearing pitcher-bladed (ascidiate) leaves; esp. in Nepenthaceae, Sarraceniaceae. |
paleate |
= chaffy |
architecture |
receptacle (torus) |
Bearing paleae (pales, palets, receptacular bracts); in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
chaffy 2 |
= paleate |
architecture |
receptacle (torus) |
Bearing paleae (pales, palets); in Asteraceae (Compositae). |
bracteate |
= bracted |
architecture |
Bearing or subtended by one or more bracts. |