dichasiiform |
= dichasium-like |
architecture |
capitulescence, inflorescence |
Resembling a dichasium, but not strictly such. |
dichasium-like |
= dichasiiform |
architecture |
capitulescence, inflorescence |
Resembling a dichasium, but not strictly such. |
cyme-like |
= cymiform |
architecture |
capitulescence, inflorescence |
Resembling a cyme, but not strictly such. |
cymiform |
= cyme-like |
architecture |
capitulescence, inflorescence |
Resembling a cyme, but not strictly such. |
corymb-like |
= corymbiform |
architecture |
capitulescence, inflorescence |
Resembling a corymb, but not strictly such. |
corymbiform |
= corymb-like |
architecture |
capitulescence, inflorescence |
Resembling a corymb, but not strictly such. |
bulliform |
solid shape |
Resembling a blister; broad, relatively thin at the periphery, the lower surface approximately flat, the upper shallowly to strongly convex. |
amphimictic |
reproduction |
taxon, plant |
Reproducing sexually. |
persistent |
duration |
structure |
Remaining attached and conspicuous until the bearing structure reaches maturity. |
laminar 2 |
solid shape |
Relatively very thin with parallel opposite broad faces, the whole plane or variously curved. Structures to which this term, along with any other three-dimensional ones, is applicable are often also described as though only two-dimensional, using terms that are implicitly understood to refer only to the outline of the broad faces. |
wiry |
architecture |
axis |
Relatively very narrow and elongate, tough, and resiliently flexible. |
calceolate |
= slipper-shaped |
solid shape |
Relatively thin-walled with an essentially hollow interior that is open on one side at the broader end. |
slipper-shaped |
= calceolate |
solid shape |
Relatively thin-walled with an essentially hollow interior that is open on one side at the broader end. |
inflated |
solid shape |
Relatively thin-walled with an essentially empty interior largely enclosed by the walls, which are convex overall and appear taut, as though from internal pressure. See also swollen (turgid, tumid), which is not clearly distinct in its application. |
saddle-shaped |
= selliform |
solid shape |
Relatively thin, broad and long, strongly compound-curved, concavely from end to end and convexly from side to side; like the generalized shape of a saddle. |
selliform var. sellaeform |
= saddle-shaped |
solid shape |
Relatively thin, broad and long, strongly compound-curved, concavely from end to end and convexly from side to side; like the generalized shape of a saddle. |
disciform 1 |
= discoid |
solid shape |
Relatively thin with two round, plane or convex, opposite broad faces and a rounded circumferential edge; like a disc. See also lenticular (biconvex, lens-shaped), meniscoid, placentiform (placenta-shaped), trochlear (pulley-wheel-shaped). |
discoid 1 |
= disciform |
solid shape |
Relatively thin with two round, plane or convex, opposite broad faces and a rounded circumferential edge; like a disc. See also lenticular (biconvex, lens-shaped), meniscoid, placentiform (placenta-shaped), trochlear (pulley-wheel-shaped). |
biconvex 2 |
= lens-shaped, lenticular |
solid shape |
Relatively thin with two round, convex, opposite broad faces intersecting acutely at the circumferential edge; like a double-convex lens. See also disciform (discoid), meniscoid. |
lens-shaped 2 |
= biconvex, lenticular |
solid shape |
Relatively thin with two round, convex, opposite broad faces intersecting acutely at the circumferential edge; like a double-convex lens. See also disciform (discoid), meniscoid. |
lenticular 2 |
= biconvex, lens-shaped |
solid shape |
Relatively thin with two round, convex, opposite broad faces intersecting acutely at the circumferential edge; like a double-convex lens. See also disciform (discoid), meniscoid. |
meniscoid |
solid shape |
Relatively thin with opposite, round, broad faces, one convex and one concave (as viewed externally), the circumferential edge angular or rounded; like a meniscus. See also discoid (disciform), lenticular (biconvex, lens-shaped), patelliform (kneecap-shaped). |
scutellate |
= platter-shaped, scutelliform |
solid shape |
Relatively thin with opposite broad oval faces, shallowly concave-convex; like a serving platter. See also scutate (buckler-shaped, scutiform), which is not clearly distinct in its application. |
scutelliform |
= platter-shaped, scutellate |
solid shape |
Relatively thin with opposite broad oval faces, shallowly concave-convex; like a serving platter. See also scutate (buckler-shaped, scutiform), which is not clearly distinct in its application. |
platter-shaped |
= scutellate, scutelliform |
solid shape |
Relatively thin with opposite broad oval faces, shallowly concave-convex; like a serving platter. See also buckler-shaped (scutate, scutiform), which is not clearly distinct in its application. |